Want to correct a selfie video recorded as a mirror image? Thinking about flipping a video that is upside down? Interested in seeing how flipping your video will affect its composition?

Flipping is one of the more interesting types of transformations available, and could potentially have a big impact on your video. And the Flip Video web app  will let you use it without any issues.


What Does the Flip Video Web App Do?

The flip video web app is an online app that will let you flip any of your videos either vertically or horizontally. It is designed solely for that purpose, which makes it very streamlined and easy to use.

Seeing as it is web-based, you will need to upload your video in order to use it. That part is straightforward enough, and Flip Video will even provide you with the option to add videos from Google Drive, Dropbox, or other online sources if you prefer.

After the video has been added you need only select whether you want to flip it horizontally or vertically. When you do you can preview the results and see what it looks like.

If you’re satisfied you can then adjust the export settings including the format, quality, and resolution. In Flip Video there are several optimized presets that will make it easier to save videos for online use, mobile devices, or desktop PCs.

In fact there is even an option to export your video as an animated GIF if that’s what you prefer.

Once everything is set up you can flip your video and then download it via the link that is provided after it has been processed. The option to upload the video to Dropbox or Google Drive will be provided, as will one that allows you to view the video directly in your browser.

Advantages and Benefits

As you can see Flip Video is very straightforward and user-friendly. By its very nature it is simple, and is designed to be intuitive as well.

On top of that the fact that it is web-based is an advantage as well, and will allow you to use it on any device that you require without installing any software. The only prerequisite is that you will need a browser and an internet connection.

Suffice to say that makes it a very convenient option to flip videos as and when you require. If you ever watch a video and wonder what it would look like if flipped, you can immediately fire up the app and flip it in a matter of minutes.


Make no mistake theflip video web app has no pretensions about being anything other than it is: A simple, straightforward, and easy-to-use app to flip videos. That is part of the reason why it is so attractive, and it makes sense to try it out.

All said and done there are few options that will let you flip videos as quickly or as easily as it does – and after you experience that firsthand you’ll see just how useful it can be.