
Life as a student can be very demanding, with school and college, exams, social events, and internships your days feel short and few. Luckily with the advances in technology, there is an app for anything and everything, making life just a little bit easier. 

The best productivity apps for students fall across a few different categories because there is more than just time management to consider. There are apps that can keep track of things for you and apps that can train your brain to be better at all the things it needs to do. 


Here are the top 5 apps that each student should have to improve their productivity. 


One of the first and most widely used note-taking applications available is Evernote. It received almost instant success thanks to its much-needed functionalities for users. It is not only a note pad, as it is also compatible with images and PDF documents allowing users to interlink and cross-reference their notes. 

This is widely appreciated by students who often need to take notes on a topic and need to keep track of other sources to refer to when going through their notes. 

Having this app means that you will never lose your notes again because everything on Evernote is backed up and can be accessed from many different devices, be it smartphone or laptop. Evernote stores all your content and offers an advanced storage system to categorize your notes for easy access. 

Block Apps

Block apps does exactly what its name implies. It blocks the unnecessary calls, messages and other alerts from your phone to promote concentration. Social media is an addiction many students suffer from and the notifications give students no chance of recovery. 

When it comes to productivity apps for college students, there is no app better than the Block Apps because it takes the temptation away. The user sets what they want to block, to what degree and for how long. That way, students are able to assign class time or study time as interruption-free by using this app. 

There are situations, though which are unavoidable. There might be times when you are not at your writing best and need affordable help of Edu Birdy. In such cases, assign your work to online professional writers for research paper, dissertation, thesis and college essay. Easy as pie.

The app gives you the gift of time by eliminating all the time that is usually lost scrolling through social media. Your productivity levels will increase and your concentration will become uninterrupted. 

Voice Notes

Sitting in a class, trying with all your might to keep up with the lecturer as they explain something, but your hand begins to cramp. Well, those days of note could all be over with this time-saving app called Voice Notes.

The app records audio and immediately converts it into text and saves it in a storage file. This app is incredible and can convert over 100 different languages and that is excluding the 20 different user interface languages that it can transcribe as well.

This app will save you so much time but it will also help you remain an active student in the class. You will have the ability to retain a lot more of the visual aspects of the lesson because you will be able to look up a bit more. 


Your brain is the reason you are a student in the first place, but after a few semesters, you start to feel drained and tried, almost as if your brain has reached capacity. That is why it is so important to rest but also to do brain exercises. 

Just like the rest of your body can benefit from exercise, your brain can as well but with cognitive exercise. That is what the Luminosity app is there for, to help in building skills to increase knowledge, through challenging games. 

The app is supported by extensive scientific research and results have shown a 30% increase in cognitive abilities after a few weeks of continued participation. A stronger brain means less time spent on work and more time spent resting. 

Tick Tick

There is one category of productivity apps for students that cannot be ignored and that is the task management category. The Tick Tick App is our top pick in this category because of the multi-level task management tracking it can achieve. 

Tick Tick, comes with a feature called ‘smart list’ which can track your list of things to do according to different main topics, you can assign a list for each subject or for personal things to get done. It doesn't matter what area of your life it is, the app will keep you aware of it and make sure it gets done. 

In Conclusion

Being a productive student becomes a very achievable goal with the help of these apps and they are not the only ones. When you are trying to find apps to make your life a student a bit easier look for the ones that can automate the mundane tasks, train your brain and give you extra time for that much-needed power nap. 

Author Bio:

Elizabeth Skinner is a seasoned writer, author, editor and proofreader. By virtue of her experience in several writing areas and working with best writing companies, she regularly comes out with reviews of writing tools, apps for students and essay sites. In her free time, she love to attend Zumba classes, learn a new language (she’s learning Chinese these days) and cook Italian food for her family.