If you desire to make your website worthy enough to get thousands of daily visits and want to keep your visitors satisfied with your website's performance, you need the right hosting for it. Hunting the perfect hosting for your website is definitely not an easy task, but a possible one if you look for specific characteristics that matter.


There are a ton of website hosting providers in the market, promising all sorts of features and services just to get a customer to subscribe anyhow. However, in this article, we will guide you with our best to help you make wise decisions and hunt the best host for your hard-earnt website.

Before we get into the seven golden tips to hunt the perfect host for your site, the main question is what type of hosting you are looking for.

Shared hosting vs. VPS (Virtual private server hosting)

Shared hosting means a server is shared among multiple different websites, and your website will be one of them. Shared hosting is the best option for beginners as it will cost a lot less than private servers. If a website is not that big or in its beginning stage, then getting a shared hosting is recommended. However, shared hosting has its limitations; you may have to compromise on your website performance if factors like Disk Space, RAM, and the processor doesn't perform well because of the load on a server. Moreover, in most shared hosting services, high traffic on your website will become a nightmare, the website will not perform well, and some shared hosting servers don't even support heavy traffic. 

Virtual Private Server Hosting, on the contrary, is best if you are going big, like a big e-commerce store or websites with heavy daily traffic. Even with VPS, you are on a shared server but have a complete isolated arena with maximum features and all the tools to handle bulk traffic. Of course, this hosting type costs much more than shared hosting but worth it if you want your website to give the top performance to the masses, as you will get dedicated hosting with custom facilities like desired RAM, processing power, and disk space.

Pro-Tip: If your website gets a few thousand viewers on a regular basis, then shared hosting will get the job done, but if your visitors are in 6-figures, then getting a VPS hosting is recommended.

Now, we will discuss the 7 things that you should put into account before subscribing to any hosting company out in the market. By following the basic guidelines discussed, you will be able to make a wise decision.

1. Check host’s server reliability
A server’s uptime and performance can either break or make your website a one of a kind in the market. A high performing server will result in high performance of your website, and that performance will highly influence conversation rates, search engine optimization, bounce rates, and your website's overall performance and reputation.

2. Check if they offer easy up-gradation and renewal plan
Most of the websites offer very low first-year prices for all the services that they offer, but at the time of upgradation or renewal, the prices go sky-high. Hunting the right hosting means that you should hunt about what a particular company is hiding or scamming about.

3. Check if you can add a domain easily later on
As time passes, businesses grow, and soon you will need to add another domain. You need to hunt a hosting company that brings easy new domain adding facilities, so you do not have to ponder over getting a new domain hosted by a new server.

4. Check Refund policy
If the website server host provides with very complex refund policy and applies multiple limitations, then you must avoid that company. Only go with the company that promises full or at least a generous refund policy.

5. Check One-click install and easy SCP/SFTP access options
As you are going to need to merge multiple platforms with your domain, as an example, Wordpress, there must be a "one-click install" option by your server host. If they do not provide such a service, then it's a big NO GO. Moreover, FTP and SFTP are core tools for your site's maintenance. All basic credentials should be provided by your host in order to make use of FTP and SFTP.

6. Does the host provide easy control panel and navigation features?
Most server hosts provide a very complex control panel, which puts users in a tough spot to use the platform effectively and efficiently. Hunting the host who has advanced and easy control panel properties will help you save yourself from many hurdles and to get support every other minute for a long time.

7. 24/7 online support?
This is important as you do not know when you will face some issue that needs quick assistance, and for that, the company must offer great online support and 24 hours 7 days a week.
Bonus tips:

i. Check if the SSL certificate comes with the normal package you are buying or is it enlisted in the premium paid features. A secure socket layer certificate is very important to provide secure and safe services to your users as well as to keep your website secure from the intruders.

ii. The reputation of the host must be considered. There is a saying that if there is no one to get a piece of advice from, ask the walls around you. Means, asking around in your social circle, and reading people's reviews online about a particular host will help you in hunting the right host for your website.

The verdict is, if you hunt smartly, follow the guidelines mentioned above and handpick a host that fulfills your particular needs and budget, it means you hunted the right company. If you won't research and won't ask questions from a hosting company before buying its package, you will be disappointed in the long run. As it is important that you know what service you need and the host knows how to provide them to you.