As the pandemic continues to play a critical part in daily life, you’re probably thinking of ways to pass the time. You're home a lot, and when you finish work for the day, all you want to do is relax and unwind. Perhaps you've taken up a few hobbies, such as puzzling or yoga, to get your cognitive juices flowing. It's essential to keep your brain active during this unusual and stressful time, so engaging in new activities is an excellent idea. 


However, nothing beats sitting down to watch TV at the end of a long day. Flicking on the television and tuning into your favourite shows is so comforting and relaxing. While subscribing to streaming networks offers excellent programming, it still doesn't compete with satellite TV's diverse range of channels. If you’re getting frustrated with not having the right things to watch on those nights when you just want to take it easy, read on to discover the advantages of having satellite television.

There’s a Better Picture 
Many people often forget how much better the picture quality is with satellite TV compared to other platforms, such as cable television. The picture quality is clear and sharp because of the way the signal transmits into your home. Satellite users receive a signal that’s only once removed from its original source. This process is much less complicated than cable — cable companies have to string wires to your house, and the farther you are away from their hubs, the greater chance you'll receive a poor picture quality. 

There are More Channels to Choose From
Your satellite can transmit signals from stations all over the world, which means you could have an endless selection of channels to choose from as you relax in front of the TV. The amount of channels you receive with satellite isn't even comparable to what you'd get with a cable TV company. In general, cable packages offer around 70 channels, whereas satellite channel packages can go into the thousands. Check out Poynt 360 — a satellite provider that offers over 10,000 TV shows and movies. You’ll discover channels focused on all types of entertainment, from music to sports to food and even religion. You’ll never be bored with the same old shows because there will always be something exciting to discover. 

It Becomes Part of Your Routine 
Streaming television provides convenience because it’s always there, but how many times have you found yourself scrolling through the platforms looking for something to watch that you haven’t seen before? Adding satellite TV to your home entertainment mix allows you to plan and look forward to watching something. 

For example, you notice that the old classic film, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, which you’ve always wanted to see, is playing on the TCM network tonight at 9 pm. So, you organize your evening to get ready and comfortable on the couch in time to watch it. Planning your viewing scheduling for the evening prevents the aggravation of repeatedly asking your partner, "What are we going to watch?" Instead, you organize your time and look forward to settling in to watch something great. 

To add some extra entertainment to your life, consider the benefits of satellite TV. You’ll diversify your viewing options while you relax comfortably at home.