
Humans have achieved many technological feats, but we're still a long way more to go when it comes to space and beyond. The next frontier we're looking to conquer? Sex in space.

Up until now, no one knows what sex in space is going to be like. Or whether it will work the way we know it to work back here on Earth. Can we reproduce in zero gravity? Is it safe? Is coitus only possible on Earth where there's gravity?

Dr. Cameron Smith from Omni Reboot has an interesting take on how sexy time can happen in deep space. He proposes future space missions to take place on giant rotating ships that produce their own centrifugal gravity. Action will take place in the middle of the ship.
A Massachusetts Medical School space biologist recently stated that, “Sex is very difficult in zero gravity…you have no friction,” but this seems particularly unimaginative. Remember, space migrants won’t be astronauts programmed to follow strict minute-by-minute schedules for 90-day flights; they will be normal people living out their entire lives. Sexual experimentation in the future will be nothing new—except that it may well include floating in the central hubs of immense interstellar craft.
These are all still theories at the moment. No one knows for sure. But until we start studying this more thoroughly, nothing is concrete just yet.

Looks like a job for the Masters of Sex.

[Omni Reboot]

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