
3D printing is already doing wonders now, it is only a matter of time before it becomes part of our lives. Someday, patients will be able to lie down on a massive 3D printer and have their new organs and tissues printed right into them.

Researchers at the University of Liverpool, UK are taking the first step toward individualized, natural looking 3D printed skin. The project's leader, Dr. Sophie Wuerger has high hopes for it.

To complete a 3D printed surgery, each wound would have to be sealed with a new layer of 3D printed skin, which would mean using a generic hue of flesh. The problem with that is that it might not blend with anyone's natural skin.

The task is admittedly daunting. And is kind of "Elymsium" like. Dr. Wuerger and her group are working on a system that can tailor print skin to match individual patients. The team is first developing a 3D scanning camera which will construct 3D images of a patient's skin. The data will then be used to print specific skin grafts out.

With more skin data, a generic "skin bank" can be created which could then be used to create an almost perfect match for every patient.

The potential and future of medicine is pretty exciting. Let's hope it will be like this someday:

[University of Liverpool Image Credit: Fripp Design]