
The age of build-it yourself stuff is here, and how about building yourself a robot? No programming knowledge required!

Modular Robotics, a company based  in Boulder, Co., is releasing a robot building kit that lets you construct any kind of android you want. Called MOSS, it comes in three different sizes.

The larger ones will contain pieces for you to build your robot, and are all made of plastic that is molded around several exposed magnets and ball bearings. You can connect them like Legos to construct anything you want.

The company will also release an app to control these robots you made. After you've downloaded the app, the software would let you direct the robot from your smartphone, or tablet. Actions can be customized.

According to its Kickstarter campaign, the whole thing doesn't require you to have programming knowledge.

Its Kickstarter campaign doesn't end until Dec 10, but the company has already nearly tripled its original goal of $100,000.