The Reason Dogs Sniff Each Other's Butts is More Complicated Actually [VIDEO]
Communication can happen in more ways than one. You don't have to actually talk to someone to communicate with them. Dogs often sniff each other's butts, but it's way more complicated than you think. It's their form of communication. Watch the vid...
Michael Bastian x Hewlett-Packard Smartwatch to Debut This Fall
Designer Michael Bastian is teaming up with Hewlett-Packard for a technological twist blending design and superior craftsmanship. The smartwatch starts with a 44mm stainless steel case and multilayered finish coupling it with inlaid button controls,...
The Science You Didn't Know Behind Big Brands [VIDEO]
The biggest brands in the world didn't get to becoming the biggest brands by just having some awesome marketing. Instead, a lot of their success is due to science. Here are some of the sciencey things you never knew about these brands. 1. Bet you di...
Science: What Is The Speed of Dark [VIDEO]
You've no doubt heard of the speed of light. It is the fastest speed possible for any physical object. But have you heard of the speed of dark? Darkness is the absence of light, but what if that wasn't the whole story? Here's Michael of Vsauce expla...
Internet Hacks That Will Change the Way You Use It
You probably use the Internet for more things than you like these days. So instead of wasting time, here are some hacks that will change the way you use it. There's even Easter eggs hiding in websites! 1. Ctrl + Shift + T opens up your last closed t...
How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need [VIDEO]
How much sleep do you actually need? You can't really catch up on lost sleep, so the nerds at Asap Science decided to explain just how much we actually need. Check it out below:
Here Are 7 Health Benefits to Drinking Alcohol [VIDEO]
Did you know that there are actually health benefits of drinking alcohol? In moderation of course. From keeping the common cold at bay to increasing good cholesterol, here are some of the benefits:1. Red wine protects against the common cold.2. Comb...
Teenager's Samsung Goes into Flames After She Put It Under Her Pillow
Here's something you don't want to do. Don't smother your phone, because it could catch fire. Samsung is already feeling the heat with Xiaomi beating them up, and now they've got to deal with this. A 13 year old was jolted awake when her Samsung Gal...
Here's a Video Showing How Your Stomach Digests Food [VIDEO]
This fascinating video shows just what happens inside your stomach, and it is kind of gross. In fact, it shows just what happens when you dunk a cheeseburger in concentrated hydrochloric acid - the compound found in your stomach.
Not Getting Enough Sleep Could Form Fake Memories
According to new research, your memories could become distorted, especially when you're sleep deprived. And it is not the good kind of memories either. The researchers experimented with participants by showing them pictures of crime being committed ...
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