This Company's Software Can Sort of Predict How Future Children Look Like in "Virtual Embryos"
A new report coming from New Scientist talks about a company called GenePeeks. They use its software to take genome sequences of both parents to produce "10,000 simulated pairings". Which means in the future, you'll get the predict what your kids wo...
The Scientifically Accurate Spongebob Squarepants is Hilariously Disgusting [VIDEO]
Ever wondered what a scientifically accurate Spongebob Squarepants would be like? The answer is - really super disgusting. Of course, if it were real, it would probably be a less interesting character. Though it's hard to say whether or not it'll ...
The Real Business of Internet Things is Selling Your Personal Data
Products like Fitbit and Next are the next frontier of connected devices. But the real prize isn't when people buy their products. It is your personal data. That's going to be big business! Forbes reports that both FitBit and Nest Labs are both ...
Electronic Monocle Will Use Your Biofeedback When You Surf Web Pages [VDEO]
A team of UK design students have come up with a conceptual solution for an electronic monocle called Amoeba. It shows you pages you find most interesting, and measures your bio feedback response. Designed by Sanya Rai, Carine Collé and Florian Pu...
Now You Can Drink 3,300-Year-Old Danish Beer
What's the oldest beer you've ever had? How about one made with a recipe 3,300 years old? Egtved Girl's brew claims to be that old, and the recipe dates back to the Bronze age, 1370 years BCE. Made from a partnership between the Danish National Muse...
LOL? Steve Ballmer's First Tweets Are From an iPhone. LOL?
Here's former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's first tweets on Twitter tonight. And if this is authentic, then he's got some explaining to do. Why is he tweeting from an iPhone? Thanks for having me @Twitter! Guess I'm supposed to start with a #s...
Imogen Heap's Music Making Gloves Are Now on Kickstarter [VIDEO]
The Mi.Mu have existed for a while already, but exclusively on Imogen Heap's hands. Now, her tech folks have refined them enough to be sold. The wearable gloves will track your hand movements and will recognize specific postures and detect the spe...
Google Beyond Glass: Camera in Your Eyeball, Dude [VIDEO]
We'll be seeing lots of people wear Google Glass if they somehow make it really fashionable. But enough of that, because Google Glass of the far future will be one you don't wear because it is attached to you. According to a recent patent, Googl...
Scientists Finally Discover How Eggs Attract Sperm That Could Lead to New Type of Birth Control
Scientists at Cambridge have figured out the mechanism involving the sperm bonding to eggs. This discovery could lead to a whole different kind of non-hormonal birth control options. The usual forms of birth control use lots of hormones, pumping it ...
Everyone's Touchscreen Habits Are Unique. Could be Used as Passwords
All those random taps on your touchscreen display might not be so random after all. There could be a pattern to it. The way you interact with it is so unique that the researchers from Georgia Tech have created a software that can lock down your tabl...
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