Military Google Glass Gives Soldiers 'Sight Beyond Sight' [VIDEO]
Like Lion-o from the Thundercats, the military will soon be using Google Glass-like headgear to give them sight beyond sight. It will display 3D building layouts, transmit video from a drone and more. Soldiers can use this to the benefit of disc...
Google Search Results Look a Little Different Today
If you think Google's search results look a tad different, don't worry, you're not alone. The company is rolling out a new design of search to desktop users that includes changes to both organic and ads results. It removes underlines and increases t...
This New Trading Software Only Lost Money One Day In Four Years
Now isn't that incredible? The latest trading software developed by Virtu - a company specializing in high frequency trading has only had one day of loss in the past four years. That's incredible! The software puts the company using it in the black ...
Harvard is Hiring an in-house Wikipedian
Harvard just listed a new job - they are hiring a Wikipedian-in-residence. The job will pay by the hour. What does a Wikipedian-in-Residence do? They will handle all things Wikipedia for the institutions or companies. The position is for the univers...
iOS 8 Will Apparently Make Maps Better
Apple Maps was a disaster, but they've gotten better since. It's no surprise to hear that Apple is still trying to make them better, and iOS 8 will be all about that.According to sources who told 9to5Mac, iOS 8 will feature lots of "under-the-hood c...
What Is The Resolution Of The Eye? [VIDEO]
The human eye might not be replaceable just yet by modern science, but is it better than the power of modern cameras? What is the resolution of the human eye? Michael of Vsauce discusses the complex science of resolution and how it compares with...
Robot vs Human: Pro Table Tennis Player Pwns Robot Opponent [VIDEO]
In one of the most anticipated matches in ping pong history (?), the showdown of man vs. machine has happened. And the results: Humans: 1, KUKA Robot: 0. The match shows pro German table tennis player Timo Boll schooling the KUKRA KR AGILUS in a ma...
Want to 3D Print Your Own Sneakers? Now You Can! [VIDEO]
Don't want to wait for the perfect pair of sneakers to drop? You don't have to. Now, thanks to a new flexible filament from Recreus, you can use it in standard 3D printers without clogging the nozzle. You can design and print your own kicks, and in...
This Helmet Has Sensors in It and Will Alert You When It's Time to Get a New One
Helmets' will protect your head during a ski accident. You have to replace the helmet after its first major impact. But helmet liners made from expanded polypropylene can endure multiple of these impacts before you need to replace them. This new hel...
Now You Can 3D Print a Model of Your New Home
Staring at blueprints may not make sense to most people, and it is tough for someone who doesn't understand to comprehend the space in real life. The solution? 3D print those blueprints out. The Plan Collection can hosts floor plans for over 20,000 ...
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