17-Year Old Student Creates a Web Extension to Help the Color Blind
About 7% of the world's population are color blind. When it comes to surfing the web, the condition makes it almost impossible to understand a large amount of videos, images, and charts. 17-year old high school student, Animesh Tripathi, in India...
Samsung's Oscar Campaign Worked Very Well For Them
Samsung spent an estimated $20 million on its Oscars campaign and it was a hit, according to researcher Visible Measures.They found that in the three-day period since Samsung's "Amazing Things Happen" aired during the Academy Awards, the videos in t...
Check Out Microsoft's Siri-Like Assistant, Cortana, Actually Running [VIDEO]
Microsoft's forthcoming Cortana assistant is set to arrive in Windows Phone 8.1 and here's a video of it showing off the new Siri-clone in action. And you know what? It is not too shabby. The video shows how Cortna is truly a personal personal assi...
China Will Designate a Graffiti-Friendly Sections of the Great Wall
I can't believe this is happening. People are defiling the Great Wall of China and it is a huge problem. China's solution is to let people do it, but only in a few specific spots. What? The Guardian reports that Chinese authorities plan to section o...
The Man Who Wore a Fake Uterus and Reinvented Sanitary Pads in India [VIDEO]
Arunachalam Muruganantham created and wore a fake bleeding uterus made out of a bladder and goat's blood. He didn't do it for fun. He wanted to find a cheaper way to make sanitary pads. His story is weird and inspiring at the same time. Murugananth...
Hoverboard Company Ad Features Tons of Celebrity Endorsements. Too Bad It's Fake [VIDEO]
Mark Cuban, Christopher Lloyd, Tony Hawk, Billy Zane, Moby, Terrell Owens, and folks from the band Best Coast are in this commercial for a hoverboard made by a company called HUVr. Unfortunately, it is fake. Funny or Die is behind the video and t...
These Smartshoes Were Designed to Help the Blind Navigate City Streets
This is the world's first ever smartshoe called Le Chal. It means "Let's go" in Hindi and it was designed by Anirudh Sharma from MIT's Media Lap, and Krispian Lawrence. They work as haptic navigation devices that you can connect to your smartphone. ...
Scientists Essentially Create Tractor Beam Using Light to Grab Nanoparticles [VIDEO]
Is this, in other words a working tractor beam? Researchers at the Institute of Photonic Sciences have come up with optical nanotweezers that use light to move tiny particles in three dimensions. Imagine if this were to be scaled in size! Optica...
Twitter Can Be Used to Detect HIV Outbreaks in Real-Time
Researchers from UCLA found that Twitter and other real-time social media can be used to track HIV outbreaks as well as drug behavior. The platforms can be used to potentially help detection and prevention efforts in the future. The team's study is ...
This Ring Lets You Control Things by Gesturing in the Air [VIDEO]
Your ring is a piece of jewelry to signify something, or simply to spice up your look. But this ring is different. This Ring gets things done for you. Ring is a project on Kickstarter. It's basically a ring: a chunky silver piece meant to be worn...
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