How The iPhone Copied Everything [VIDEO]
The first iPhone took clues from everyday objects to create a familiar experience we could understand. In other words, they basically copied everything cool and good and made it into one device. Years later, Apple has since yet worked on another br...
The Fight For Location Based Recipe Apps Have Begun
IFTTT launched an app that allowed location based recipe making. People could build geo-based recipes to do things like post to Facebook when they are on vacation or save photos to Dropbox and more. IFTTT wasn't the only app with this idea.Two days ...
Everything That Happened on Twitter in 2013 [VIDEO]
2013 is coming to a wrap, and Twitter took a look back at what happened in the year. 230 million users sent 500 million tweets every single day on Twitter. They published the roundup breaking down activity month by month and highlighted the hot to...
Get More Retweets by Doing These
A new report from TrackMaven that analyzed 1,423 Twitter accounts and more than a million tweets was released today, showing what makes a successful tweet - which is a tweet that is re-posted by a lot of followers. The data suggests:Time of day matt...
You'll Be Terrified To Know How Fast an Epidemic Can Spread Across The World [VIDEO]
You'll want to sanitize after watching this video. It explains how terrifyingly fast an epidemic would spread across the world. The answer: INSANELY FAST. Theoretical physicists have created a model to show a disease originating from one city ca...
Scientists Are Now Growing Brain Cells in a Lab
Bioengineers are growing lots of things in the lab. For instance, tracheas and kidneys using stem cells are now possible. The next frontier? To grow functional brain cells. Admittedly, growing brain cells is far more difficult than other types of bi...
Here's How Gaia Telescope Will Scan the Entire Sky [VIDEO]
The Gaia space telescope will launch next week and it is going to be the biggest astronomy project of all time. The telescope will attempt to scan the entire sky, and capture images of at least a billion stars in our galaxy. Gaia will head 1.5 mill...
This Wireless Charging Standard May Actually Hit Mainstream
Wireless charging technology has had some difficulty establishing itself due to dueling standards. But there's hope. The Alliance 4 Wireless Power from Rezence may have what it needs to take it mainstream. The Rezence technology improves on its pred...
Your Latest Sexting App: Instagram
Instagram announced its private messaging service - Instagram Direct. In a nutshell, it's the sexting app with filters you've been waiting for. The photo service has become such a status symbol that users have been practicing self-censoring, to avoi...
Building a Bionic Man Isn't Far-Fetched At All [VIDEO]
At the end of last year Bernard Meyerson, IBM's VP of innovation, predicted that in just five years, computers would be able to mimic all five senses. It sounds like wishful thinking, but recent advances in perception technology makes that five year...
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