Facebook Apologizes For Ads That Had Photos Of Suicide Victim
Two online dating ads featured on Facebook this week included photos of a teenager who committed suicide. The company has since apologized for the ads, which promoted a Canadian online-dating site by including images of Rehtaeh Parsons. Parsons, 17...
Microsoft Says Internet Explorer 11 Is 30% Faster Than Others
Firefox and Chrome have gained a whole lot of traction compared to Internet Explorer, but it still remains the most popular web browser. Microsoft wants to keep it that way so they've come up with Internet Explorer 11. The company released a "previe...
Google May Ditch Cookies To Track Users
Google is considering ditching cookies to track its users. They would instead "create its own anonymous identifier for each individual". The attempt is to make the Internet more secure. A Google spokesperson told the WSJ:"We believe that technologic...
Find Out What iOS 7 Features Your iPhone Won't Get
iOS 7 is here and it looks lovely. The new operating system brings some nice new features, but its got some limitations. This nice visual aid from The Apple Lounge shows just what you'd be missing after upgrading. Fortunately the super useful ones l...
Han Solo Was Found on Mercury's Surface
NASA's Messenger probe discovered what it looks like to be a raised human shape on the surface of Mercury. Does it look like Star Wars' Han Solo? What's going on? The photo was taken back in July of 2011, and while it hasn't been seen by public eyes...
Traffic Camera Doesn't Care How Fast You Drive. Spots You For Polluting The Air
What's worse? Speeding on the road or polluting the air? This fancy new camera developed by researchers from Spain's Universidad Carlos III de Madrid doesn't care about speed. It cares about how much you're polluting the air from your vehicle. It'l...
Facebook Likes Are Now Considered Free Speech
Like to like much on Facebook? It's now going to be protected under free speech in the U.S.'s First Amendment. It started in a funny but very real story where Sheriff BJ Roberts was running for reelection when six of his employees had liked his oppo...
Check Out The Evolution Of iOS Homescreens in One GIF
iOS 7 is here to change your phone, but it has come a long way in its six years. Check out the transformation in this one big GIF. Put together by Czech Apple blog LetemSvetemApplem, it's clear iOS 7 is by far the biggest jump. Have you downloaded i...
Google Is Taking On Death With New Company. Wants To Extend The Human Life Span
Google has touched almost every area of business already. From the Internet to navigation to gadgets and more. This time, they're going to take on death. The search giant is forming a new company called Calico. It will be charged with extending the ...
Download This Cheat Sheet iOS 7 Wallpaper So You Can Easily Learn How To Work The OS
iOS 7 is available now for most, and it might just be too slick. Lots of education is required to re-learn whatever they just gave you. Where is the Control Center? Where is this and that? So much confusion! So Wired has created a cheat sheet wallpa...
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