Jeff Bezos Visits Washington Post. Here's How The Staff Reacted
Jeff Bezos visited The Washington Post newsroom on Tuesday following his acquisition of the paper for $250 million last month. Many staffers live tweeted his movements throughout the office and offered a mix reaction of sarcastic and serious respo...
Is Stephen Elop A Microsoft CEO Candidate?
Stephen Elop will be heading up Microsoft's newly acquired mobile wing. He's no longer Nokia's CEO. But here's a rumor. Will he be in the running for the top spot in Microsoft? Late last month Steve Ballmer announced that he would be stepping down a...
Here's How Nokia Employees Are Reacting Over Microsoft Takeover On Twitter
Unsurprisingly, there's always going to be mixed feelings when a large company acquires another large one. Here's how some of the Nokia employees, current and old are reacting over the news. They vary from positive to negative. Check it out below: ...
Japanese Government Going Ahead With Ice Wall Plan At Fukushima
The Japanese government are finally moving on with plans to create an ice wall at Fukushima. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced a $470 million plan to contain the leaking radioactive water at the nuclear power plant. The ice wall will be built unde...
Don't Understand What Fracking Is? This Video Explains It All
You may have heard of the term fracking, and if you're still unsure, this video produced by YouTube channel Kurzgesagt will get into that for you. The YouTuber managed to present the pros and cons to both sides of fracking while maintaining an emoti...
MIT Creates Fog Harvested To Get Water From Air (Video)
Fog harvesting systems collect and funnel billions of tiny drops of water into a reservoir. They are already being used in parts of the world where rainfall is rare. Researchers at MIT are working with the folks from Pontifical Catholic University...
China Experimenting With Drones For Delivery Service
China is taking the drone delivery business pretty seriously. A Shenzhen based courier service called SF Express is testing "high tech" drones that can deliver packages to remote locations. With a built in navigation system, the drones can go where ...
Apple To Officially Announce iPhone 5S and 5C On September 10
The new iPhone 5S and 5C are going to be announced on September 10th. Apple infused its invite with a not so subtle clue about what to expect. Check it out above. Its so colorful. Leaving us to think that its going to be a whole lot of colorful iPho...
Android's Next Version Will Be Called KIT KAT
The next major iteration of Android will be called Kit Kat. Android boss Sundar Pichai just tweeted a photo of a gigantic Android robot made of Kit Kats.There's also going to be a promo campaign in Kit Kats to win a free Nexus 7 or Google Play credi...
This Kiosk Will Print Magazines and Newspapers As They Are Purchased
With newspapers declining, would it be better if people just printed it as they bought them instead of printing a whole stack and letting the ones unsold go to waste? These new Meganews Magazine autonomous newsstands could do just that for the print...
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