One Of 7 Up's Ingredients Was A Mood Stabilizer
Here's something interesting. 7 UP used to contain a psychiatric medication as one of its ingredients. Created by Charles Grigg of the Howdy Corporation back in 1929 and first launched two weeks before the stock market crash before the Great Depress...
Ancient Romans Have Been Building Monuments Centuries Before The Colosseum
Rome wasn't built in a day. In fact it took longer than anyone imagined. The New York Times reports of an 11 mile archaeological dig last summer from central Rome revealing that the Romans were erecting monuments far longer than thought. It turns ou...
PROGRESS: Scientists Made Lightning-Fast Graphene CPUs
Graphene. The magic material that has the power to make faster / fastest transistors ever. Scientists haven't figure that part out yet, but they've nonetheless taken a step to making graphene transistors work for real. They aren't just fast. As an e...
Google Field Trip Makes Traveling An Interactive Experience (Video)
Field Trip is a Google tour guide mobile app that pushes you tips and information about your surroundings. It is now available for Google Glass Explorers and uses near perfect augmented reality. Miantic Labs created Field Trip and had originally d...
These Solar-Powered Winged Drones Are A Cheaper And Better Solution To Satellites (Video)
A company called Titan Aerospace thinks gigantic solar powered drones could do better than satellites. Also, it's more cost effective. The Solara 50 would be kept aloft by its 50 meter / 165 foot wings that are covered in solar panels, and could ca...
Russia's Military Hovercraft Lands on Crowded Beach Because That's "Normal" (Video)
Russian bizarreness is not new, but this certainly gets our attention today. A 550 ton military hovercraft carrying sophisticated weaponry just casually pulled up onto a crowded public beach. These giant Zubr vessels are the largest in their clas...
PRISM: The Social Network You Never Knew You Signed Up For
Here's a great spoof of all that horrible government-sanctioned infringement on your privacy. PRISM is a social network from Datacoup, a service that aims to let you "reclaim and unlock the value of your personal data." Not only are accounts mandato...
SwiftKey Now Offers Cloud Synching (Video)
SwiftKey is about to get even better. Not only does the app offer great prediction, great personalization, swipe-based entry options, it can now syncs all this data between all your devices thanks to the SwiftKey Cloud. This means you won't have t...
Guy Who Beat Facebook's Wall Hack Challenge Gets $10K
If you're going to challenge the internet to break your so-called foolproof system, you better put your money where your mouth is.Khalil Shreateh is a Palestinian hacker who managed to identify a Facebook bug that let him post on Mark Zuckerberg's ...
Listen To This Epic Speech From The 'King of the Nerds' (Video)
Nerds of the world, prepare to meet your idol. This epic speech was made Nicholas Selby, a sophomore at Georgia Tech who is majoring in Mechanical Engineering. The speech was part of annual welcome event for entering students, and something tells u...
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