
Despite being among the world's most recognized sporting figures, Real Madrid player Cristiano Ronaldo is pretty cool about getting hugs from fans.

During an exhibition game between Real Madrid and Chelsea at the Sun Life Stadium in August, a 19-year-old named Ronald Gjoka took an opportunity to greet his footballing hero before giving him a hug. Unfortunately for the teen, his actions earned him two days in jail and charges of trespassing and disorderly conduct.

When Ronaldo heard about it, he penned this emotional letter before sending it to the Miami-Dade state attorney's office to get those charges dropped:
"My name is Cristiano Ronaldo, and I play football (soccer) for Real Madrid,"

"I was playing at Sun Life Stadium last month when a fan entered the field. His name is Ronald Gjoka, a young college student. We hugged, and we spoke for a while, until security arrived to escort him off the field. He was not aggressive or violent in ANY way. In addition, he did not resist security or police in any possible way."

"I am concerned because I understand he may face potential problems with immigration and with his college if the criminal charges against him are not dismissed. I understand your position and the importance of enforcing rules and laws. However, I respectfully request that you and your office reconsider this decision and dismiss the two criminal charges this young man faces. Sincerely, Cristiano Ronaldo."
The letter even included an embossed letterhead to prove its authenticity. But despite the footballer' best efforts, the case against the teen is still set to move ahead in court in Miami on Monday.

A spokesman for the state attorney's office has since explained that while the letter was "very, very nice", it would have no effect because he was not the aggrieved party. That just sucks.
