
Having a big garden is surely a wonderful addition to your beautiful home. It adds more life to the house and it provides a comfortable area where people can relax and bond. However, having a big garden also means it requires extensive maintenance. If you don’t properly attend to it, then it becomes dull and not really an ideal place to hang around. 


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To help you with this dilemma, here are awesome ways that will make it easy for you to manage your big garden.

1. Add Hard Landscape

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Adding a huge space of paving across your garden provides an area that requires minimal maintenance and creates a place to chill and relax. Since this will help you save on maintenance expenses later, it’s recommended that you hire a professional. 

For this project, choose a material that is not slippery, especially during winter. Opt for a high-quality textured finish that contains either Yorkstone aggregates or reconstituted stone. Stay away from small sizes and cobbles, since the costs of laying them are relatively higher.

2. Choose Small Containers
Huge containers require more water, which can be tiring sometimes. If you need to use huge ones, go for one or two containers and choose plants with excellent drought tolerance. Excellent examples are succulents or pelargoniums. 

When the plants become bigger, use a big plastic bottle as your reservoir. Cut the half of it, press the top portion of the bottle and plant it into the soil. The bottle needs to stay topped up so it can function as a reservoir properly. This is a lot easier compared to lifting heavy water containers.

3. Save Some Undisturbed Areas
You should not think that every area in your garden needs to be seamless. Undisturbed or wild areas, such as far corners, are an advantage for wildlife. Hedgehogs, for example, love to create day roots made from moss and leaves. You could provide the further reaches of your yard to mother nature.

4. Make Your Lawn Easier to Maintain

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Maintaining your lawn, especially when it’s a big one, can be exhausting. However, seeing your beautiful lawn afterward will prove that every work and time you invested were worth it. To make the job easier, make use of garden power tools like lawnmowers, mini dumpers, electric chainsaws, and powered pole saws.

Autumn is a beautiful season but it also means more cleaning in your yard. More leaves to clean and the grass will require more mowing. A Honda engine wood chipper is another excellent equipment you should consider having. It chips large limbs and bushes of your trees and even helps turn leaves into a healthy fertilizer for your plants. You can mix the wood chips and the leaves you fed to your wood chipper and turn into mulch, which is excellent for your plants.

5. Streamline Your Planting
Many gardens that require less maintenance go for shrubs in their yards. They don’t require pruning and they have a long lifespan. Their sizes are also manageable so you don’t need to attend to them that often. To give you some ideas, here are some examples of easy shrubs:

5.a Spotted Laurel (Aucuba Japonica)
These are strong evergreens that stay intact even when reaching their maximum size. They are really easy to maintain as they can tolerate poor soil and poor light.

5.b Christmas Box (Sarcococca Confusa)
This small shrub has deep-green evergreen foliage and small clusters of white stamens during winter. It produces a wonderful fragrance, so it’s a good idea to put them near your house or pathway. It requires great shade and fertile soil and better if put in a container.

5.c Limelight (Eleaganus x Submacrophylla)
This fast-growing shrub is made up of green and yellow evergreen foliage that brightens up a dark corner in your garden.

5.d Mexican Orange Blossom (Choisya Ternata)
This beautiful shrub is round in shape and requires a good amount of sun to create its aromatic and attractive white flowers. The main flush appears in spring but will reappear during summer.

5.e Oregon Grape (Mahonia x Media)
These evergreens will flower during early winter creating an aromatic pyramid of yellow flowers. They work well in deep shade, so it’s highly recommended that you put them at a shrub border’s back.

6.Opt for Ground Cover

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Generally, weeds develop in light environments, so having a thick covering will greatly help with weeding problems. If weeding is becoming a serious issue, then it’s a good idea to spread out ground cover plants to limit light. Here are some great examples of plants you can use for ground cover:

6.a Hedera Helix Lightfinger
This is an ivy plant that has a noticeable arrowhead shape that trails well but grows slower compared to others.

6.b Hedera Helix Glacier
An ivy plant that is cool-toned with grey-greenish leaves. It grows really fast and has the ability to climb, making it perfect to cover the ground.

6.c Hedera Helix English Ivy
This ivy plant has great foliage and in most cases, prefer to embrace the ground, rather than climbing it.

6.d Hedera Helix Silver King
This beautiful plant consists of silver leaves that have five lobes with a touch of cream that covers the grey-greenish leaves.