Has the grass dried up again? Or no matter how much you water it, it doesn’t take away that sickly and sickly look? We know what it feels like

Keeping the grass healthy and uniform is not difficult, but it requires a series of care throughout the year.
When to fertilize the lawn? How to cut it? If you have doubts about the correct maintenance of the lawn, here are 7 good tips and ideas to make your garden look perfect at any time of the year.


1) Provide Nutrients
As a first step using Hucus liquid; with this you will get the microorganisms to be installed in the substrate and begin to provide the nutrients that plants need, in addition to improving the soil structure. Use 1 liter of product in 10 or 20 liters of water, remove well and apply it to the land with a shower or with the irrigation system that you already have installed. With 1 liter of the prepared solution you will have to apply it to 10 m 2 of grass. After distributing it, water it well to avoid stains on plant leaves.

2) Use Mulching Lawn Mower
The lawn needs many cuts during the year. With each cut it is favored that the plants extend to the width and cover the soil in a very dense way. This prevents the grass from developing the spike and as a result withers.

Using a mulching lawn mower is one of the most effective methods to fertilize your lawn. For the best mulching results, choose a best-rated mulching lawnmower from the available lawn movers.

3) Irrigation
Irrigation is a base element to have a beautiful lawn or garden, because most lawns are very demanding in water. For this we must know the type of grass we have to make use of, what time of the year it requires more water, etc. The important thing is not to do it in the central hours of the day, and not only because at that time there is a greater evaporation, but to protect the leaves from burns and possible fungal diseases.

The most practical thing is to have an automatic irrigation system, sprinkler or diffusion irrigation, which has several lines of dispersers to provide water to the entire meadow.

The dispersers must overlap at some points to ensure that all areas of the lawn have enough water.

4) The Seeding
Re-planting bald areas is a simple way to improve the overall appearance of your meadow. Do not try to put small pieces of grass in the bald spot because they do not take root well and dry very quickly.

Before replanting rake the areas with bald spots, removing any grass that has come out, apply mulch and remove the ground with an azadilla. Make sure that the seed mixture is the same as in the rest of the lawn or as similar as possible. Scatter the seeds evenly and spread a light layer of mulch or worm compost and water next.

5) Aerated
If the grass is deteriorated, compact and not fluffy, it may be because it is very hard and the solution is found in a scarified or aerated. In addition, this problem can be aggravated if the soil is clayey. In lawns that have been planted a long time ago this technique will help you regenerate.

It is advisable to air at least once a year and the best time to do so is at the end of the summer or at the beginning of autumn.

6) Weed Control
The weeds that are more annoying for the grass are the perennial crawlers and those that are rosette like dandelion, because they tolerate the harvest well. To extract them you have to use a hand jib, trying not to break the roots and then affirming the surrounding soil. Then fill in the remaining hole with a substrate similar to the rest of the soil. You can spread some seeds of the same mixture, cover them and water.

7) The Scarified
The vegetal remains of the mowing, the mosses in the base of the grass are the causes of which the soil is waterproofed and favors the appearance of fungi and plagues. To eliminate it, it is necessary to scarify, which is nothing more than raking the surface of the earth. A rake can be used in small gardens or a lawn scarifier if it is an extensive meadow.

Try to scarify once a year in shady and humid areas; in sunny and warm areas it is not necessary to do it in several years.

And remember, the key to a lawn with health is a well-kept and healthy soil, for this follow the tips and ideas explained above and you will never have to worry about problems in your lawn, just enjoy it.