Wow, we hate to be the ones to say it, but Christmas is well and truly on its way. We’ll soon all be singing Christmas carols and drinking eggnog. Then before we know it, it’ll be time to welcome in the New Year. Well, we think that with the holidays coming up you’ve probably already got enough to think about. So, we thought we’d help give you a little head-start in the interior design department by sharing with you, our pick of the hottest trends to look out for in 2015.

The idea being that when you’re out doing your Xmas shopping you can pick yourself up a few key pieces, and stay one step ahead of the game. Plus by picking up some on-trend items now, you can get in early before the prices shoot up and save yourself a few cents to boot! So, it’s a win-win all round!

- Before anything else, it’s always a good idea to conduct a little market research. It’s all very well knowing what the hottest trends are. But if you don’t know how best to implement them, that knowledge is rendered pretty useless. One good tip for doing this is by looking online at real estate websites, or checking out glossy home and garden magazines.

View new apartments and look at the way that show homes are presented. In many cases, interior design professionals would have helped design the layout of the furniture, as well as chosen the colors and styles that are used. So, this a great way of finding inspiration and getting ideas for how to implement some of the hottest decor trends in your own home.

- Two big themes for 2015 are going to be abstract and spontaneity. Once again, animal prints and faux fur will be big news. But the difference this year is that these are going to be clashed and contrasted with a variety of different prints and hues. The key thing here is to be spontaneous.


Courtesy of Charlotte Holmes

So, when you’re out doing your Xmas shopping, keep an eye out for anything that instantly grabs your attention. It may be a cushion in an upbeat and vibrant color, or a throw with an unusual, distinctive design. Whatever it may be, if you like it, buy it, and don’t worry about whether things match or complement one another. The whole point here is to mix things up a bit with your accessories and soft furnishings and then pull it all together with the furniture and color scheme.

- Retro or rustic furniture has been on trend for quite a while now, and that shows no sign of changing in 2015. But the trend has evolved somewhat. The focus now is on combining retro styling with elements of sophisticated and innovating contemporary design. Opting for creamy white and classic grey colors helps to add a fresh twist to the already popular rustic trend and is a great way of breathing new life into your living space.

Well, it seems that when it comes to interior design, 2015 is already shaping up to be a pretty good year!