
Meet Jahmir Wallace, a New Jersey kid who is eager to learn how to play the trumpet. And he's not about to let his lack of arms hold him back:

His music teacher Desiree Kratzer helped him out by asking a local music store to customize a stand for Wallace's trumpet. The stand allows him to use his toes as his fingers.

When Wallace tried the instrument for the first time in September, he said it all clicked together for him. Here's what he told New Jersey TV station WFMZ:
"My older sister used to play the piano, so I decided maybe I should try to learn an instrument,"

"I kind of felt excited. I kind of felt like, oh man this is kind of comfortable and it kind of felt like this might be the one for me."

"Anybody out there that would like to try an instrument, go ahead and try it. You never know," Wallace said
And all that hard work definitely paid off. The above clip shows him performing at his elementary school's annual winter concert, where he played along with the rest of his fifth grade class.