
mon Dieu! It must be a really slow news day today, because a French photographer is now claiming the President of the United States of America is embroiled in a love affair with internationally famous pop star Beyoncé.

But what's even more surprising is that some people actually believe this to be true! Here's the comment which were published in highly reputable French newspaper Le Figaro:
"You know, at this time, the United States, there is something big that is happening… Besides, it'll go out tomorrow in the Washington Post, we can not say that it is the gutter press [reporting on an] alleged affair between President Barack Obama and Beyoncé. I can assure you that the world will talk about it."
It wasn't long before other magazines in France picked up on the story and reported that President Obama and his wife Michelle Obama are heading for a divorce.

So why the sudden accusation? It could have something to do with French President François Hollande traveling to the United States this week to meet with President Obama.

Hollande's has been accused of having his own affair, which is creating some tension in the White House. So maybe all this is the French media's way of creating an international distraction.