
Her Universe, a label that caught a lot of hype during fashion month for their Force-infused designs, has announced that it will be presenting the first full-scale "geek couture" fashion and design competition at San Diego Comic-Con which will take place on July 24th.

The label's founder Ashley Eckstein revealed :
"Fangirls are already using the halls of San Diego Comic-Con International as their runway to showcase custom fashions."

"We wanted to give these designers a bigger stage to share their talent and also provide an educational experience in the fashion industry."
The contest seeks to select 30 of the best designers based on their "geek couture" inspired fashion. Submissions can be based on "anything that is celebrated at Comic-Con."

A panel of judges will choose one winner, and the audience will vote on a second. Both victors will then be given the opportunity to co-design a Her Universe collection with Eckstein and Hot Topic.