
There's no doubt that the whole world knows about the Kimye Vogue cover, but is anyone actually interested in reading the feature about "America's Most Talked About Family"?

To save you money from actually having to buy the April issue, check out the opening two paragraphs below. But be warned, the description might cause you to dry heave:
The fast-cooling Los Angeles afternoon air is filled with the scent of eucalyptus and mimosa, the gurgle of water as it tumbles down a fountain wall into a picture-perfect azure pool, the exultant strains of Pharrell Williams's "Happy," and a chorus of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm," performed in unhappy a cappella by Annie Leibovitz and Kris Jenner.

The frantic warblings of this unlikely duo are intended to entertain the geographically named North West, perched between her father, Kanye West, creative polyglot, and his fiancée, North's mother, Kim Kardashian, cultural phenomenon — or Kimye, as the media has dubbed the telegenic pair while it relentlessly tracks their every move.
Seriously though, even the most banal things sound sublime once you filter it through the double lens of Kimye.