
If you live in New York, Hong Kong, Japan or Singapore, as an example, you'll be familiar with the lack of space. And you'll most definitely have to make do and be creative about a lot of things. The students at the Savannah College of Art and Design have built the SCADpad in view of this. It is tiny. It is cheap.

It is also quite lovely looking. The project is a house that is just 8 feet wide and 16 feet long. Most of us won't be familiar with such small confines. That's tiny. How do you fit anything and everything you have in there?

Each of the housing units from the SCAD project costs about $40,000. It comes complete with furnishings too. It has a small kitchen with an induction stove and an organic garden irrigated with a unique greywater filtration and delivery system.

Check it out in the video below: [SCAD via Gizmag]
