Remember the visually disturbing film "Silent Scream" safe-sex educators used to scare teens off pre-marital or unsafe sex? Well, Emily Letts decided she would film her own abortion video - minus the internal footage. We respect that she's not ready to have children, and totally get that she's trying to shine some positive light on abortions, but to go through lengths to film it? She's currently secured a seat as a hot target for online critics. Congratulations Emily.

The video below is not safe for work (NSFW). It has been online since mid-March but only got traction yesterday after Letts explained why she did it for an article on Cosmopolitan.com. Here's an excerpt:
I found out I was pregnant in November. I had been working at the clinic for about a year. It was my first pregnancy, and, full disclosure, I hadn't been using any kind of birth control, which is crazy, I know. I'm a sex educator, and I love talking about birth control. Before this experience, hormonal birth control scared me because of complications I'd heard about from friends — gaining weight, depression, etc. So I tracked my ovulation cycle, and I didn't have any long-term partners. I thought I was OK. But, you know, things happen. I wound up pregnant...

Once I caught my breath, I knew immediately I was going to have an abortion. I knew I wasn't ready to take care of a child. The guy wasn't involved in my decision. I called my supervisor and said, "Excuse me, I am going to need to schedule one abortion, please." It was very early in the pregnancy, only two to three weeks.

Patients at the clinic always ask me if I can relate to them — have I had an abortion? Do I have kids? I was so used to saying, "I've never had an abortion but…" While I was pregnant and waiting for my procedure, I thought, "Wait a minute, I have to use this."
Watch her video below if you have the stomach for it:

Okay, I guess The Silent Scream is still way more traumatizing than Emily Lett's video.