You'd have to be INSANE to even consider attempting any of these diets just to lose a few pounds. Below is a list of the most extreme weight loss methods that some people are actually willing to endure just to look good in their skinny jeans:

The Twinkie Diet

Instead of food, you can only eat one Twinkie every 3 hours. This diet was attempted by an actual professor of human nutrition from Kansas University, who claims he lost 27 pounds in 10 weeks because he consumed less calories than he burned.

The Cookie Diet

Sounds too good to be true? That’s because it is. These aren't your average chocolate chip cookies. Instead, you eat 6 diet cookies during the day and a 500-calorie dinner, meaning you only consume 1,000 calories a day.

The Cabbage Soup Diet

You need a lot of willpower to stick with eating only cabbage soup for every meal for an entire week just to lose 10-pounds.

The Baby Food Diet

Instead of regular food, followers can only eat portion-controlled baby food. Here's hoping they love the taste of mushy fruits and vegetables in tiny jars.


The Hollywood Diet

Practiced by many famous celebrities, this "miracle diet" involves eating nothing but 16 ounces of juice and 8 glasses a water just to drop 10 pounds in two days!

The Christian Bale Diet

So how did the actor drop 60 pounds to play the emaciated leading character in The Machinist? According to Bale, he endured months of eating just a can of tuna and an apple each day until filming ended. Even he acknowledged how unhealthy this diet really is, and called himself an “idiot” for actually going through with it.


The "Wear Tight Clothes While You Eat" Method

This has more to do with psychology than changing your meal plan. The idea is to wear super-tight clothing while you eat so that you'll feel more bloated sooner and stop overeating.

The "Nose Clipping" Method

Smell plays a big role on taste, so followers of this diet must clip their nose (even when in public!) to prevent them from tasting and actually enjoying food while eating.

The "Sugar Scrub" Method

This method involves obsessively scrubbing at your skin using sugar scrubs for up to 2-3 times every single day, for the rest of your life. Apparently it works wonders for getting rid the body of cellulite and loose skin.

The Oil Drinking Diet

Also known as the "Shangri-La Diet", this involves drinking 1-3 tablespoons of extra-light (non-virgin) olive oil between meals in order to curb your appetite and help you lose weight.

The "Saran Wrap" Method

Similar to what those expensive packages promoted by slimming centers, the idea involves wrapping your torso with saran wrap and wearing them for 8 hours a day to sweat away the pounds!


The HCG Diet
HCG is a hormone usually produced by pregnant women which both burns stored fat while ensuring that these fats cells are available for their growing fetuses. Followers of this diet are injected with HCG to prevent hunger pangs, but must also restrict their calorie intake to just 500 a day. Did we mention that the hormones are collected via urine samples?

The "Plastic Tongue Patch" Method

This extremely painful fad involves having a patch sewn onto the tongue to make eating solid foods very painful, which limits the user to ingesting a liquid-only diet of about 800 calories a day.

The Feeding Tube Diet

Instead of actual food, this diet involves having tubes inserted through your nose to deliver a liquid meal plan directly to the stomach. The tubes stay in place for 10 days, and can cost up to $1,500 USD!

The Tapeworm Diet

This is hands down the most insane diet on this list. The idea involves ingesting tapeworms in either pill or egg form. The growing parasite will then feed on all those extra calories. When you reach your desired weight, you just eat another pill to kill it off.