This might be the first time that a handshake seemed more romantic than sealing it with a kiss. Last weekend, Alexis Tyler and Tomy Szczypiorski decided to take their wedding vows to the next level by doing this:

This popular polish handshake was a tribute to the first time that Tomy took his wife to Poland to meet with his family where they learned about the handshake from his 9-year-old relative. 

HuffPost Weddings reports:
Alexis was the first significant other of mine to ever meet my extended family. I always told myself that it wasn’t until I met ‘the one’ that I would bring that person to Poland to introduce her to our family’s roots. This simple little handshake was a great way to remember such a special time in our lives.

We knew that we would have to add a step for our wedding day, and what better way to end our new handshake than with a kiss!” Szczypiorski explained. “Our wedding kiss is now our eleventh step! It will be a great way to remember our wedding day and everything it represented for us.