
Everything you read and everyone you speak to will tell you the same thing. Moving is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do in your life. People will tell you that moving will make you feel stressed, put strain on your relationship and in general make you feel awful.

Of course, moving can do all these things. Moving can also be a wonderful experience though that you share with the people you love most in the world. It all depends on your outlook. If you let everything get on top of you and spend all your time moaning about how bad things are then, moving will be a horrible experience. If you brighten up, though and decide not to let moving suck, you might find you enjoy the process.

There are ways that you can make moving easier and more fun for yourself. Moving is an exciting journey into the unknown, so you have every reason to get excited about your new life. You should take this time to celebrate and enjoy moving, rather than turning into a grumpy grinch. Here are just six exciting ways that you can make moving a lot of fun.

1. Internet Stalk Your New Hometown

If you are a normal person, you will have spent large amounts of time internet stalking people. Whether you spent months stalking your ex-boyfriend's Facebook page. Or on occasion, check out how your high school pals are doing online, we're all guilty of stalking people. You are now embarking on a new life in a new place. Before you get there, you must have an internet stalk of the town itself. Look into everything - groups on Facebook, Craigslist and forums. Doing so will give you a good idea of the sort of neighborhood your new hometown is. Why not sit down with your partner and have a good old stalk? Once you've done so you will know loads more about your new hometown and maybe even a thing or two about the people who live there.

2. Throw A Packing Party

One of the worst parts about moving home is having to pack up your things. If you have been in your current home for more than five years then, the chances are that you have collected a lot of stuff. Some of this stuff will be useful, and you need to take it with you. Other things are useless, and you're holding on to them for no good reason. In the haze of moving home, it can be hard to decide which items fall into which category. Why not make the whole process more fun by having a packing party? Invite all your friends and family over for the party - you can lure them in with the promise of pizza and drinks. Have the people closest to you help you decide on what you need to throw out and what you need to take with you.

Having people help you will make the whole process more fun and will allow you to make an event out of packing, rather than a chore. When the professionals come to help you move, you will need to have everything in place for them to take away. Having a moving party will mean that your friends and family do the hard party for you.

3. Invite People To Stay (Immediately)

One of the things that people miss most when they move to a new hometown is their friends and family. It will be hard trying to settle into a new town without the support of the people you love around you. A fantastic way to combat this problem is to invite people to stay with you in your new home immediately. Invite a few choice friends to stay for the first weekend. You and your friends can get to know the area together, and so you won't feel nervous when exploring the town. Having the people you love around you when you're settling in will make a world of difference to how you feel about your new home.

4. Make A 'New Home' Mood Board

Decorating your new house should never be stressful. You are getting the opportunity to create a new environment for yourself and your family. In the weeks leading up to your move start making a mood board of home décor ideas. The whole family can get involved in the project, and this is a great way to start feeling excited about your move. Knowing that you are going to move to a new place and decorate it in your chosen style will make everything feel more fun. Get an old cork board and use it as a base for your mood board. Whenever you see something, in a magazine or real life, that inspires you pin it to the board. Take photos of décor you love and pin them up so you can use them as inspiration in your new house.

5. Plan Your New Home Meal

Moving is a great excuse to act like a complete slob. When you move into your new home, you will not have anything set-up to make meals. Your kitchen will likely be a mess of moving boxes and dust. That's not a great place to make your first meal, is it? Instead, start looking at takeout menus from the area before you move. When you get into your new home, order yourselves a curry or a Chinese. Sit back and relax for the first night, you can unpack tomorrow. Have some drinks and eat a takeaway, whilst enjoying your new surroundings. Having something to look forward to when you move will make the day much more exciting and less stressful.

6. Make A Moving Video or Vlog

These days people make videos about everything and anything. Why not make a vlog (video blog) about your latest move? You and your family can have some real fun making the video. You can start with a montage of you guys packing boxes and end with you sitting and relaxing in your new home. You can make your vlog as funny as you like. The video is just as much for you guys as it is the rest of the internet. Have some fun with it, and you might even become cyber-famous

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