Mom was right. It is the most important meal of the day. Many of us skip breakfast for a couple of reasons. We wake up late, and we're rushing off to work. We blame it on the good old "no-time" excuse. Perhaps it's time for a change. Here are 10 reasons you'll want to have breakfast from tomorrow onwards.

1. It basically kickstarts your day.


2. It improves your short term memory


The more you eat breakfast, the more you remember.

3. It'll help you concentrate


It's hard to concentrate if you are hungry. Don't skip the first meal of the day.

4. It prevents overeating


You'll be hungrier if you skip breakfast when it is time for lunch, which means you'll eat more then.

5. It boosts metabolism


You kickstart your day, and breakfast wakes up your system.

6. It'll help you lower cholesterol


A healthy breakfast prevents you from storing fat, the bad kind of cholesterol.

7. Protect against diabetes


Keeping insulin levels at normal, having breakfast will help protect against diabetes.

8. It keeps your skin healthy


Eating eggs in the morning helps keep your skin beautiful and eyes healthy. Not to mention a strong heart too.

9. Not skipping breakfasts may prevent heart attacks

Skipping breakfasts results in an increased risk of heart attacks. Don't skip it.

10. Congratulations, you're an adult now.
