If there's one thing about Jennifer Lawrence you can count on, is her ability to be candid about how she feels on issues that matter. Here are some of her most inspirational quotes she's said over the years. Check it out below:

1. If you're having conversations with people, you don't want them to remember you as the girl with the tits. You want them to pay attention to what you're saying.


2. Things can happen to you, but they don't have to happen to your soul.


3. You can look how you look. Be comfortable. What are you going to do? Be hungry every single day to make people happy? That's just dumb.


4. Don't worry about the bitches. That could be a good motto, because you come across people like that throughout your life.


5. All I need in a relationship is somebody to watch TV with.


6. Be strong. Don't be a follower, and always do the right thing. If you have a choice between the right thing and wrong thing, the right way is always the less stressful.


7. In real life, bad things happen and they're not funny, and then bad things happen and they can be funny. When you're unhappy you don't go an entire time without laughing. You don't go your whole life without laughing. It's just life.


8. Even as far back as when I started acting at 14, I know I've never considered failure.


9. Maybe one day I'll become an asshole. But then, there are too many out there already.


10. I can name a lot of things that taste better than skinny feels. Potatoes. Bread.


11. In Hollywood, I'm obese. I'm considered a fat actress. I'm never going to starve myself for a part. I don't want little girls to be like, "Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I'm going to skip dinner."


12. As tired as I am, I force myself to get dinner at least once a week with my girlfriends. Or have a sleepover. Otherwise my life is just work.


13. I like the way I look. I'm really sick of these actresses looking like birds. I'd rather look a little chubby on camera, and look like a real person in real life than look great on screen and look like a scarecrow in real life.


14. I hate people saying, "I'm addicted to exercise." I want to punch people who say that.


15. At the end of the day, there's probably nothing that makes me feel better than junk food and reality TV.


16. Success doesn't mean that you're allowed to work less and treat people like shit.


17. There are shows that are showing generations of young people to judge based on the wrong values. That it's ok to point at people and call them ugly or fat. We have to STOP treating each other like that and stop calling each other fat.
