2014 is coming to an end, so we're wrapping up with some of the most romantic moments of the year. Check them out in the list below and let us know if we've missed any.

1. Dying man married his loving wife as his final wish.

Check out the video below:

2. This couple got engaged after surviving the 2012 Aurora Shooting.


3. Husband with Alzheimer's went missing and police helped him buy flowers for his wife.


Check out the story:

4. This guy proposing to his girlfriend in Bonnaroo:


Watch it here:

5. This man proposing to his boyfriend at the London Star Trek convention.

Captain marries No 1.

6. When this guy proposed to his girlfriend by rapping.


Watch the proposal here:

7. This man re-proposing to his wife after six years.


Check out his story here:

8. This couple flew back to the original Starbucks they met to get engaged.

That's romantic!

9. This guy made an amazing video for his girlfriend when she couldn't go backpacking with him.


Check out the video here:

10. One Direction helped this man propose to his girlfriend.

11. Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter's wedding announcement:


12. This couple who got engaged as Prince Hans and Princess Anna from Frozen.

13. The boyfriend who warned the POTUS: "Don't touch my girlfriend."


14. The woman who proposed to her girlfriend via a surprise musical. 

15. When this guy put his life on hold to surprise his girlfriend on her 6-month holiday:

16. This guy who surprised his girlfriend with a proposal and Pinterest-style wedding, all on the same day.

17. Peter Pan actor proposed to his real-life Wendy.

18. The woman who wrote this for her partner.

19. When this boyfriend got 500 strangers to wish his girlfriend "Happy Birthday"