Is this the reason why it looks so pretentious? Turns out, according to a study conducted by the University of Bristol, consuming a moderate amount of alcohol, ie, 'one large glass of wine,' can make you physically attractive to others.

They claim that the effects of the drink of choice will mimic how your body demonstrates it's healthy, attractive and ready for a good time.


It heightens physical characteristics, making rosier complexion, affecting posture.


Also making you seem more relaxed, jovial and fosters positive signals like smiling.


Except in Cersei's case of course.


The study's senior researcher, Professor Marcus Munafo, says:

You consume a drink, so you see other people as more attractive, but you also become more attractive yourself because you’ve consumed a drink.


Of course, before you start trying to "look more attractive," know that drinking too much has the opposite effect.


Suddenly, this isn't so attractive anymore.
