
Some people are just so good at lying, they've got a default excuse and reply for the things they have to get out of. How good are you a liar? Which excuse would be the best? Can you lie your way out of anything? Take the poll below:

You cancel plans with friends last minute because you’re too lazy to go out.

Your excuse is:

   My meeting is taking longer than expected. Sorry!
   Feeling sick all a sudden!
   Okay, so I'm in my pajamas now, and I'm too lazy to go out.

Your friend shows you a picture of their alien baby. "How cute is this little angel?," they say.

Your response:

   Aww. I'm so happy for you.
   That is the most adorable looking baby I've ever set my eyes on.
   Take that beastly looking thing away from my eyes now!

You go shopping with your uglier friend and she sees a dress you both like but she picks it out first and wants to try it. You want to get it but don't want to hurt her feelings..

So you say..

   I think you would totally rock that dress.
   I'm so glad you finally found something you like!
   Imagine Cinderella's dress. But not on Cinderella. How odd would that look?

Your mom makes the nastiest dinner you’ve ever eaten in your entire life.

She asks if you liked it. You say:

   That's so delicious! Don't make it too often or I'll get bored of it!
   I didn't know you knew how to make this. I didn't.
   What's for dessert, mom? Feel like something died in my mouth.

You're hanging out with friends and accidentally let one rip. It stinks and someone asks who?

You say:

   I smell that too. Like the breath of Satan! OMG! Who?
   Huh? What smell?
   Like it? All farts smell the same. Btw, it was me.

Someone you don't like texts you and you give one worded replies and stop replying mid-way through. You bump into them the next day and they ask why you didn't answer.

You say:

   I fell asleep and dreamt that I did! Is that...Inception?
   Did I not reply you already? Whoops. Here. Reply!
   Shoot me. You're boring. And confrontational. No. Shoot me twice.

Your BFF has a hideous outfit she wants to wear and she absolutely loves it.

You say:

   I feel as if that dress really resonates with you. Good choice.
   How about we add a necklace to it?
   I feel as if that dress is gouging out my eyes. I don't know how. But it is.

You have tickets to a concert and but you can't take off work. What do you say to your boss?

You say:

   Emergency leave. Death in the family.
   I'm feeling sick. Gonna stay home today, boss.
   Gotta go for a concert. I mean. They're expensive. See u 2moro?

You just finished having mediocre sex. And you're asked if it was good or bad.

You say:

   It was great. Over the moon. Twice!
   God must have spent a little more time on you, baby.
   Meh. What's on TV?

You meet someone you know at a party but can't remember their name. But they remember yours.

You say:

   Let's catch up soon! I'll send you a calendar invite. What's your email?
   Let's take a selfie! What's your name on Facebook so I can tag you properly.
   I can't remember your name for the life of me. What is it again?