You read that right! Water births are becoming common, but they also come with a lot of risk. What if there's a complication and there's no doctor around with the right kind of medical instruments to help you? Anyway, this is spiritual healer Dorina Rosin, and water births are just too mainstream for her and her partner Maika Suneagle. So they've decided that a dolphin should help them deliver their baby.

Rosin will appear in a UK documentary called "Extraordinary Births." She believes that an ocean birth is "more relaxing and natural" and she wants a dolphin to help deliver the baby.


Of course, medical and marine experts are scratching their heads to her insanity. Is it even safe? Furthermore, we're talking about the ocean here.


Science journalist Christie Wilcox wrote that "this has to be, hands down, one of the worst natural birthing ideas anyone has ever had." Dolpins will "toss, beat, and kill small porpoises or baby sharks for no reason other than they seem to enjoy it. This is not the animal you want to have at your side especially when you're giving birth."


She has a point. But Rosin and Suneagle don't seem to be changing their minds anytime son.
