Everyone knows Taylor Swift's hit song 'Shake It Off.' So unless you've been hiding under a rock, or refused to listen to anything Taylor on the radio, it's pretty damn famous. So famous that someone is now suing her for the lyrics.

Musician Jesse Graham is filing a lawsuit against her, claiming that she stole the lyrics, "The haters gonna hate / The players gonna play" from an unfamous song he wrote in 2013.


“Her hook is the same as mine,” Graham told the New York Daily News. “If I didn’t write the song ‘Haters Gone Hate,’ there wouldn’t be a song called ‘Shake It Off’ … At first I was going to let it go, but this song is my song all the way.”

Check out the two songs side by side:

What do you think? Jesse Graham not making enough money and now he wants to cash in on something silly like this? Or did Taylor really steal those lines and hook?