Personal Assistance Program is a specific and unique type of health and medical program provided specifically to folks residing in the states of New York with qualifications of health coverage. Freedom and flexibility are their main advantages as it enables the consumer to receive home medical care through self-choices and preferences. 


Explained below are essential facts and information concerning Personal Assistance Programs that every individual should be conversant with.

What is Personal Assistance?

From the word “Personal Assistance”, it mainly focuses on providing all necessary required support to physically disabled and chronically unwell clients (patients) who require essential and professional medical attendance and skilled nursing aid.

Services Provided

Personal Assistance Program services vary from house responsibilities like caring for a client’s child, dressing the client and taking them to the bathroom to outdoor activities like driving a client. It also provides personal medical related services that include caring for a wound for effective healing, reading and explaining written work to a blind client, translation service to a numb client as they interact with family and friends among others.

Steps to Getting a Personal Assistant Program

Step1. Medical Coverage - Personal Assistance Programs are only eligible for individuals signed to a legal medical coverage program for credibility and funding purposes.

Step2. Community - Based and Long Term- The services are specifically available to chronically ill clients who require a long-term/ lifelong personal assistance services from either professional medical experts like nurses to caring and concerned community members that may include family and friends.

Step3. Filling of Physician Order of Service Form - This form should be filled by one's personal physician and handed to a Social Services Office where one is locally registered.

Step4. Social and Nursing Assessments - Through the office of local social services, both nursing and social assessments are conducted of which the results will determine the frequency of care.

Selecting a Personal Assistant

Based on the freedom selection policy of consumer directed personal assistance program, the assistant can be from the employer's health insurance program or through employers own self-selection. The major difference between the two is based on payment. Self-selection is where an employer uses their own resources to pay a private personal assistant while health insurance based personal assistance is paid through the employer’s Medicare/insurance program.

Consumer Responsibilities Involved

Despite the freedom that comes with Personal Assistance Programs, it involves effort in achieving an effective personal assistance service. These responsibilities include:

  • Hiring and Firing of Personal Assistance - This is based on performance
  • Tracking effective replacements -This may include transfer from either one level or place to another such as High school to University
  • Being able to manage unexpected scenarios and situations
  • Effectively planning schedules for your day to day activities
  • Able to handle any positive or negative situations that might arise

Involvement of recipient Families/Friends

This is one of the greatest advantages as one gets to acquire legal support and help from trusted family members and friends with exceptions of a spouse/parent. The existence of mutual understanding and goal enhances open communication for effective personal assistance services. The family member/friend could have certification by a medical agency or not as the employer is ready to cover any out coming effects.

Representative of Choice

The consumer is allowed to select a representative of choice that might include any adult credited by social services in making necessary health and care decisions on behalf of the recipient.

In conclusion, Personal Assistance Program is an effective health care program that is illegal to chronically and disabled individuals with the long-term need for personal home assistance services. The services provided vary from professional health care services to home-related services that boost the daily day-to-day consumer's lifestyle. Personal Assistance Program enrollment steps include a medical coverage, community-based long-term contract, filling of Physician Order of Service Form by one's personal doctor and conducting social and nursing assessment. The employer/client has freedom in selecting a personal assistant of choice and liable for any uprising situations and responsibilities such as replacement and hiring. The consumer’s family or friends can be selected as personal assistance or representatives.