From the past few years, people are moving to the countries with better economic conditions. Singapore is one of the top places that are greatly admired by people. Singapore is a state of Malaysia. It has a special place in people’s heart because of the natural beauty and charisma. Many people have chosen this place for permanent residence because of the scenic beauty, but in the last decade, the business has grown incredibly. Now a businessman from all around the world is investing in this place. Many choose to make shares of the previously grown ones. 


Whether you are trying to move because of your business or because of any personal issue, you are making the right decision. 

These steps given below are the immigration solutions of all your problems. 

Entry permit 
The first thing you need to get for the getting a permanent residence is entry permit. You need to fill out an application for getting the entry permit. Once the permit is approved further proceeding will be done. There are some restrictions for the applicants. 

You should be a child (under 21 years) or married to a Singapore citizen.

Elderly parents of permanent residents.

Have working experience in Singapore and have S pass.

If you are a complete foreigner. There is some guideline for you to follow. If you satisfy all these requirements, you are eligible. 

Forms needed 
If you have read the requirements carefully, and you think you are qualified for application. Here are the further details.

If you are a child or have a spouse who is a permanent resident, then all the details related to you and your related one are required. Forms are provided in which every small detail is asked. Like your work details, your bank details, your previous and current residual details etc. the key point is that never lie in these details. These forms go under deep observation, and every minor detail is noticed. If by any change you have provided false details, you can get a heavy charge and will be treated further as a criminal.
Same goes for all the other options as well.

The form submission method is a little different from the other. All the forms are submitted using E-service. You can also do the submission if you have an account on SingPass. The submission will only be done if you have a valid account.

There are several immigration programs offered. If you are there a foreign investor, you can avail global investor programme. Singapore Economic Development will offer you permanent residence.   
If you are a resident in Singapore as a student, you can also get the eService. The process for students is again different. You can use foreign identification number or FIN for getting an eService. Date of immigration pass is also required.

If you are still having problems in getting the eService. You can always go to their online service. Step by step information is provided, and there FAQ (frequently asked questions) will also help you in solving the problem.    
At the time of application, $ 100 will be charged. This amount is nonrefundable. You can pay this fee using any visa or debit card. If you are a holder of any internet direct debit card like Standard Chartered Bank or Citibank Internet Banking accounts, you can use them too. American Express (AMEX) credit card is also valid.

Approval time 
The application approving can take a lot of time. Sometime the time can be up to six months or a year in case of any ambiguity. Once the application is approved, there will be separate charges for every process.