Five Tips for Writing Top Shelf Supplemental College Essays
For most students getting into a college of their choice is a dream comes true. They are excited about the new and endless possibility that they will have after they pursue their majors. They also want to have a new life and a fresh experience than the one they had in high school. However, as exciting as it is to get into the college of your choice, the application process of getting into college can be a bit hectic.
Other than the usual documents such as your transcripts, personal statement and your awards from outside class activities, some colleges may want to take it further. They may ask you to write a supplemental essay. This may prove to be difficult to some students, especially if they don’t know what it entails.
To be a good writer, you need to have the necessary tools that all good writers have. That being said, you need a good plagiarism checker to ensure that your essay passes the uniqueness test, and Turnitin or Copyscape never disappoint. A good grammar checker like Grammarly is also important since it will keep your grammar in check.
It is highly possible to write a great essay with some easy steps. This article will review some tips that will help you write a good supplemental college essay, and help you be a shoe-in your preferred College.
Tips to help in your writing
1. Do your research
It’s important to know what you want to display in the essay. Do the necessary research and find out how to go about your writing. You need to be objective in how you air out your views. Think about the school that you want to be accepted into, why do you want to go there? What attracted you to the school? Maybe it is a unique program that they have or an activity that is present in the school that matches your interests. You need to convey that it is the school which you would like to attend and pursue a successful educational career in. You should also make sure to know the questions that will be asked in the essay. When you are knowledgeable about this you will be prepared with the answers to the questions asked. It will make it easier for you to write.
2. Be yourself, but be smart about it
You are the great package that you are selling to this certain school so they can accept you. What you can do best is just be yourself. They already know your academic scores, what extracurricular activity you are good at and the awards that you have received for them. What they now need to know is what is not on your paper, something interesting about you that you haven’t shared. Think of it as an interview. However, even as you do this, there are certain aspects of your life that would be best not shared. It’s not important to share details about your feelings or any personal details. If you are too personal, you will end up painting yourself in a bad light
3. Have an understanding of how to answer questions
You need to understand how the questions are asked and know how to answer them. This is your one chance to impress; you might as well make it the best first impression. Read through the questions carefully and if it is necessary to read several times. When you have an understanding of the answer that the question requires, you can carefully write it down. The answers that you give are supposed to show who you are as a person and will portray how you can handle certain situations. With that said, it is best to put your best foot forward.
4. Concentrate on your strengths.
When you walk into a store and decide to buy a product, you will be attracted to the one that has the best qualities. In the same way, your strengths will sell you, more than your weaknesses. Think about what your strong features are. Are you good at sports, academics or another talent that you have? It is important that you find the things that you are good at and make them work in your favor. Display your good qualities and display why they would want to have you in their school. Be confident in your abilities and it will get you noticed, however, make sure never to overdo it. Too much of something is always bad.
5. Watch out for the small and minor details
You don’t want to do a good job and then ruin it because you didn’t do a few things the right way. When you are not able to have a strong finish your application will not be able to stand out from the rest. Read your work thoroughly and make sure to submit work that is free from spelling errors. You need to always make sure that your grammar is on point. There are a few tips that you can use to make sure that your work is ready to present.
For one, you can read out loud several times and hear if the words sound wrong when you say them. You can also use a grammar checker. There are so many spell checkers such as Grammarly that will help you evaluate if your work is on point. You can also have someone go through you’re your writing and see if they can find any mistakes. It can be a teacher or your friend. It is important to get a second opinion and be ready to take the feedback that you will get positively.
When you have read these tips and still feel that you are not sure of yourself in the writing department, you can have someone else do the work for you. In the current digital world, it is surprising the kind of services that are available to you and that you can get services just by browsing the internet. It is possible to have someone help like Custom Writing service you write your essay.
There are a lot of services that you can choose from. The end game is just to make sure that your writing can be presentable to the school of your choice and that what is in the paper will be able to show that you are the candidate that they should pick. If a professional writer can do that for you, then you should by all means consider it.
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