
In this fast-paced competitive world, it can be difficult to make sure your brand stands out from the crowd and get noticed.  Small businesses where the budget is tighter than others need to think of innovative ways to get people to pay attention and to make sure they aren’t drowned out.  We’ve put together a list of great ways to promote your business.

Effective Social Media

Social media whether we like it or not plays an important part in the buying process.  People will look at your social channels before making a decision on a purchase.  If you have regularly updated content on there and show that you are industry experts as well as give the user an insight into your company culture, it is more likely to influence the buyer.  There are so many great tools out there such as Facebook Lives where you can host Q&A’s, prize draws, launch products etc – you can personalise your marketing campaigns.

Use 3rd Party Review Sites

Maintaining your reputation is essential when it comes to promoting your business. As well as Google My Business, you can make use of other sites such as Trustpilot where clients can leave reviews of your product/service.  That way (assuming you are doing a good job of course) – one of the first things the user should see is positive reviews.

Well Placed Posters & Signs

Posters are definitely underused in marketing these days but can be incredibly effective.  If you think about it, it’s constant advertisement.  Your sign will be there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  As long as you pick a good location that has a healthy footfall – it’s a fantastic way to get your name out there.  There are some great printers Stockport based that will be able to provide you high-quality signs and posters at a reasonable rate.  You can get them in all shapes and sizes too, if you really want to stand out.  


Networking can be a daunting process at first, but once you get used to it you will see it as a great way to promote your business.  You will be broadening your contact sphere without even knowing it, and as long as you make a good first impression – you never know where that could lead to. Make sure you take lots of business cards for handing out as a general rule.

Update your website

Of course, the overall quality of your website is important in general, and these days it is increasingly important that it’s mobile friendly – but adding content to your blog section is also a great way to push your business.  Again, it can seal you as an industry expert, and will do wonders for your SEO rankings. Google loves it when you update your site with regular, relevant and unique content.  It’s another area where you can highlight your company culture with what you have been doing whether it be a company milestone, attending an event etc.

With these top tips, you will be generating leads for your company in no time.  

Image: Pixabay