Do you go through the day feeling sluggish and uninspired? Start your days off right with morning affirmations and these tips for a better daily routine.

Are you a morning person? People who feel their best in the morning tend to be happier than others and even have higher salaries. It's not too late or too difficult to become more of a morning person. Mornings are a time to set your intentions for the day. This helps you to lead a more productive and positive lifestyle. So, ready to start every morning off right? Make these morning affirmations an essential part of your daily routine.  


Wake up with Positive Thoughts
Positive morning affirmations begin with waking up on the right side of the bed. Start every day by taking a few minutes to think of 3 positive intentions for the day. This can happen before you even get out of bed in the morning or while in the shower. It's a time to banish negative thoughts, focusing only on the positive in your life. 

Think about spending time with family after work or grabbing lunch with a friend. Think about how well you're going to do on an upcoming work presentation. These thoughts help to boost your self-esteem and set the tone for the day. Another idea is to set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier than normal. This extra time will help you to feel less rushed in the mornings. You'll also have more time to set intentions and begin your positive thinking routine. 

Eat a Healthy Breakfast 
A healthy breakfast gives you more energy for the day. It starts your metabolism and provides essential vitamins and nutrients. This also encourages you to make healthier meal choices throughout the day. 
Breakfast is also a time to set good morning affirmations. Enjoy breakfast with a nice view or sitting with family. Many people often feel crunched for time in the mornings. So your first meal of the day can be a quick one if needed.  

Prep foods like overnight oats, hard-boiled eggs, and yogurt with granola. You can also make a quick fruit smoothie with protein powder when on-the-go. Caffiene is an important part of many people's morning meal. A java fix will help you feel more alert for the day ahead. Make your own coffee at home or grab a latte on the way into work. 

Aim to Workout a Few Mornings a Week
Exercise plays an important role in balancing our moods. A morning workout helps to set positive affirmations to start the day. Working out in the morning also spurs your metabolism for the entire day. This will make you feel less sluggish and more productive. Try to get in an early workout 2 or 3 times a week. Pick days that are easier to wake up early, like Wednesday and Thursday.  

Use this time to put your full attention into your morning workout. This means no checking emails or thinking about work projects. A morning workout playlist will boost endurance and help you burn more calories. No time for a full morning workout? Even a simple stretching routine is effective.  It will help you to loosen your muscles and clear your mind for the day.  

Dress for Success 
Your outfit and personal style can impact how you feel all day long. So, be sure to take the time to select a comfortable yet stylish outfit. You'll feel more confident, making it easier to set affirmations for a good day. If you have an important meeting, go above and beyond your typical workday wear.  It also helps to pick your clothes out the night before. This avoids any stress over finding what to wear in the morning.  

Styling your hair is another way to enhance your self-esteem and morning affirmations. These hair styles make it easier to look stylish without spending tons of time on your hair. Always look at yourself in the mirror before you leave for the day. You'll feel a boost of confidence at how well put together you look.  

Make the Most of Your Morning Commute
We spend an averge of 4.35 hours per week commuting to our jobs. Some people sit stuck in traffic while others ride on a packed subway. Either way, use this time to contribute to a more positive lifestyle. Your morning commute is the perfect time to think about daily morning affirmations. Riding public transportation also gives you a chance to read a book. You can catch up on the news or write in your journal.

An upbeat playlist and a to-go cup of coffee will also get you in a better mood. You can listen to your favorite podcast, one that educates or entertains you. Taking this time to practice a calming breathing routine is another idea. Clear your mind and focus on positive thinking. 

Rethink Your Sunday Night Routine
81% of people admit they have a case of the "Sunday scaries." This is due to Monday mornings bringing about feelings of anxiety and depression. This negative way of thinking can even set the tone for your entire week. To help avoid this, do a calming Sunday night routine. Take a warm bath, followed by nighttime yoga. Meditate, light candles, and curl up with a good book.

You also want to be sure that you get plenty of sleep for the week ahead. Set a strict bedtime on Sunday nights and use your calming routine to help wind down.A mini version of this routine can be helpful during the week as well. This will allow you to wake up feeling more refreshed and content each morning. 
These morning affirmations will help you to live a more positive lifestyle. You'll notice greater productivity levels and healthier habits. You'll feel less stressed and more engaged in your own life. Looking for more ways to live a healthier and happier life? Check out the life section of our blog for more great advice.