Here you are again: standing in the checkout aisle at the grocery store, wondering where all your time went. You’re also thinking about why you picked up that six-pack of soda you don’t really need. You promised yourself you’d avoid piling your cart with junk food this time, but somehow you lost the plot and now it’s too late. It’s not too late though. Because there is always next time and we will help you successfully grocery shop then!


#1: Don’t Get Comfy!

If you wear comfortable and flexible running shoes or sneakers while you’re walking in the supermarket, you’re more liable to spend additional time there. Don’t roll in with your comfy sneakers. Rather, wear sandals or flip-flops that are comfortable but not too much so. Pro-tip: don’t wear heels because we can’t tell you what to do if you slip and fall in a store!

#2: List it Out!

Lists are good. Lists are dependable, predictable and don’t have superfluous items that will add bulk both to your cart and your waistline. Before you leave for the store, make an essential list and stick to it. Tell yourself you will absolutely not deter from the written word for even half a second. A good list will help you avoid moments of weakness and temptation.

#3: Eat Before You Go!

The worst thing you could do to yourself is going to a grocery store when you’re hungry. If you walk in famished, you will inevitably end up buying everything in sight. This will be worse if you find yourself in the junk food aisle because it will all just end up in your cart right away.

#4: Buy in Bulk!

Yes, this might sound like a contradiction to all the above-mentioned tips. However, it really isn’t and we’ll tell you how. You should always try to bulk buy some essentials like meat, canned foods, and other non-perishables. There are a couple of reasons to do this.

First of all, you will save money because buying in bulk is always better for your pocket in the long run. Not only will you save money, but bulk bought food items will help you meal plan for the weeks ahead. This means you get to have a healthier meal plan and also, a healthier budget overall.

#5: Grab Generic

This may sound like a bit of a bad compromise but it does pay off in the end. Generic supermarket products are not as bad as they sound. If you grab some generic brands as opposed to expensive ones, you’ll find it makes for a more successful purchase. This isn’t just about saving money, after all. Generic products are not harmful or toxic. Quite often, they’re the same thing but just branded in the supermarket’s own label. There is no shame in reaching for generic brands!

In the end, just remember: a successful shop is one where you come out feeling unashamed, unburdened and healthy. If you’ve managed to strike these three off of your list, you’re good to go!