Ah, Canada. Beautiful, huge, and various, it hasn’t taken a lot of on behalf of me to fall infatuated with it everywhere once more in these past few months. Despite being born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, I truly haven’t spent that a lot of time in Canada over the past decade or so; with the exceptions of a couple of stints here and there over the years, I’ve principally been abroad. 

I additionally haven’t spent that a lot of time in Canada in winter, unless i used to be home for Christmas. therefore, in coming to Canada for 3 months in a number of its coldest months, even I, a Canadian was stumped. 


1. A Jacket (or three)
“Wowwwww,” I will simply hear you saying whereas rolling your eyes, “How original.” But yes, it’s true – despite wherever you're in Canada in winter, you're reaching to would like a very sensible, snug, warm jacket. If you're reaching to pay any time in any respect doing something within the snow – suppose sport, snowmobiling, skating, even simply building a figure – you're reaching to would like one thing on the far side your average city-appropriate vesture (so as cute because it is, your peacoat in all probability won’t create the grade during this situation). The best thing to get yourself is 100% fur vests to feel warm in the cold season.

2. Sweaters
Without a doubt, you're reaching to would like a couple of sweaters for your winter in Canada. whereas these area unit fairly easy to shop for with reference to anyplace, I’d advocate going for a minimum of one heavier sweater, ideally one made from wool. I’ve picked up a couple of yak wool sweaters whereas in Nepal, however additional recently in Canada I wore a turtleneck sweater like this one. 

3. Jeans and trousers
If you’ve browsed one in all these guides of mine before, you recognize that I terribly seldom advocate conveyance jeans, and typically bring solely a try or 2 of trousers on my travels if i feel I’ll be hiking or doing one thing active. Well… I’ve crossed over, my friends. I’ve finally found a couple of pairs of jeans (all from the Gap or ASOS) that work ME quite well, and that i will say that they’ve been lifesavers.

4. Snow pants
Again, if you're coming up with on outlay any time within the snow whatever, you're reaching to would like snow pants throughout a Canadian winter. the nice issue is, once you purchase a try of those, they’re sometimes sensible always (or a minimum of for several years). A durable, heat try of snow pants can ordinarily run you a minimum of 100 bucks, however they're a vital a part of winter dressing. 

5. A toque
You will completely, definitely, 100% would like a toque once you visit Canada in winter. A toque, you say?! A toque is what we tend to decision a skullcap or woolly hat in Canada. Fairly straightforward to come back by within the country, it’s still best to travel for one that completely covers your ears and one that won’t let any wind through.