We’ve reached a turning point – and distributed teams are becoming the new norm. As individuals, organizations and governments continue to adapt in response to COVID-19, the traditional stigmas and barriers associated with working virtually have all but vanished.

 The closing of non-essential offices, increasing travel restrictions and shelter-in-place mandates have forced a staggering number of businesses to rapidly virtualize and distribute their workforces. Today, remote work isn’t reserved for freelancers looking to avoid a 9-5 grind. Advancements in technology and business practices – dramatically highlighted by the unexpected spread of the novel Coronavirus – are showing just how capable we are of acting as virtual employees. For many enterprises, this sharp and unplanned transition to #WFH is disrupting ongoing projects, processes and workflows.


At AppMonet, an adtech startup based in NYC, rapidly embraced this new norm since the COVID-19 outbreak and made the call to let everyone work from home at the end of February. We quickly realized we could make remote collaborations work and turn it into an advantage for us. Now our new routine has been to check in at 11am and host a virtual standup on Google Hangout to share what we have worked on, what we are going to do and what is blocking us/what we need help with. We also developed new processes to clearly explain our thinking in writing and documenting all the key business practices for everyone to get on the same page. As a company, we realized we have to be more deliberate with our communications than we do in an office setting, but overtime this new practice makes us a stronger team and company.

As a mobile ad network, we are working with a lot of external partners and clients. In terms of external communications, we have been relying on Slack, WeChat and Skype but made a more conscious decision to check in more frequently. We’re sending frequent updates, being transparent, sharing good news, and just making sure everyone is in good health and spirits.

As a team, we are also implementing virtual happy hours and game times every week. House Party has been our new favorite app, of course, besides Slack and Trello to keep us productive! Pushing the next level connectivity has been a bright spot in a dark time so that we can accomplish working — and winning — from home.

About AppMonet

AppMonet connects app publishers with the largest brand advertisers for higher revenue. Being in the center of NYC, we have harnessed relationships with the largest brand advertisers and agencies which created unique brand demand. With one unified SDK, we support all major video brands while maximizing and diversifying apps' brand advertising demand sources. In addition, we use AI to automatically fit the content better to screen with a strong call to action button that increases ad effectiveness. By offering unique brand demand and rich media formats, AppMonet has become a popular choice for over 200 apps globally.