Sentimental objects and keepsakes are, naturally, the most painful things to part with as we launch a cleaning-out process. But after years of accumulation and moving from home to home with more and more items, the time comes to distinguish between what is really important and what is only accumulating dust.
At some point, you either have to confront the memories and decide a new future for them or get straight with the fact that they will continue to take up valuable space in your house, rent-free.


If you are ready to declutter and organise these items, then read on. You will find seven tips to help you do just that.

What are Sentimental Items?
Sentimental objects include anything that evokes feelings or emotions. These include portraits, presents, baby clothing, family heirlooms, travel souvenirs, and yearbooks, for example.

Sentimental clutter is something that we cling to emotionally; items that we hold on to that have no place in our lives anymore. They could be a large box of clothes or the outdated radio you don't use anymore, but you can't do away with.

How do you go about organising them and keeping the ones that are really important?

1. Decide on the One Item to Keep From a Collection
Whether you have a selection of things you've been blessed with or even a large collection of nostalgic objects (such as old records or kid arts), try picking one out of the collection and just keep that one.
This strategy is ideal if you feel guilty of getting rid of a big number of items that are valuable to you but you don't want to display them in your house - just hold on to one of them and find a place to put it that will make you happy.

2. Take a Digital Picture
Granted, the digital picture isn’t the physical item itself. The joy you feel when you physically touch it will no longer be there. Nevertheless, saving things on a computer or in the cloud will save you valuable physical space in your home. Not just that, in case your sentimental items fade or get lost, a digital version of them ensures you still have a “copy”.

Remember this, no matter how visual artefacts are stored, they will fade with age. So, it is better to capture them now as digital photos while they are still in great condition.

3. Decide on the Items you Want to Keep and Where to put them.
Often, you really can't decide whether you want to hold on to an object or not. Rather than just putting it all back into its box and making it sit dormant for another five years, organise.

Decide on what you want to display, what you want to hide, and what can go into more long-term storage. Not likely. Items from parents or loved ones also fall into this group.

4. Store Items you can Never let go in Secure Storage.
Some things, particularly those close to your heart, are worth holding forever. And just because they have begun to take up so much room in your house doesn’t mean you have to part with them or keep them packed and hidden away in boxes below the bed. Putting these precious objects in a storage unit not only saves space but also keeps them secure.

There are several good secure storage services such as Safestore Containers West Auckland you can use to keep the items safe. To preserve the items for a very long time, gently cover delicate objects in bubble wrap and pack photos by layering them between sheets of acid-free material.

5. Donate Items of Significance.
If after a relative 's death you receive a series of paperwork and photographs, you may feel obligated to treat them with extra regard even though you don't want to. The items may be of interest to a local history museum or an archive, depending on who the person was and where they lived. Don't just dump your clutter on an unsuspecting organisation, but investigate to find out if they might welcome such items.

6. Find a Way to Use or Repurpose Sentimental Items.
Even better than preserving valuable objects is discovering or finding ways to repurpose them. Then you will enjoy them every day, and value them.

Instead of putting sentimental objects in a box, for example, use them as home decor. They'll bring a unique personality to your house. You can see and appreciate them explore these day.

7. Create a Photo or Video Journal.
You will protect your memories by journaling around sentimental clutter. This is a smart idea to consider as you go about decluttering and organising your sentimental items.

Memory preservation makes it easier to declutter sentimental objects. You can create the journal using a video journal, photo journal or physical journal.

Final Words
Parting with sentimental items is never easy emotionally. However, if you follow these tips, they will make the task much simpler for you when you start sorting through all of your precious items.