Selling your house may be an overwhelming or a super easy task depending on how you handle it. Before listing your house for sale, you should first decide whether you will sell it yourself or hire an agent. If you have a tight schedule or lack the necessary marketing skills to handle potential buyers, then you should consider hiring an agent. On the other hand, if you feel that you can handle the process and want to be in control, you should go for the sale by owner option.


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Real estate agents will charge a certain amount of money for their services, depending on the value of the house. The idea of saving when you do the sale yourself is enough to encourage you to conduct the sale without an agent. In addition to this saving aspect, there are other reasons why you should consider listing your house as for sale by owner (FSBO).

Reasons Why You Should Sell Your House Without an Agent

Here are some of the reasons why selling your house without an agent is a good option:

Saves Money

Every homeowner’s dream is to sell their house to a deserving buyer (who meets their market price) without incurring additional costs. The FSBO option helps you sell your home without incurring any agent fee. Additionally, you can save on repair and renovation costs. The agent may request for the renovation of things that you are otherwise content with. Such additional costs may reduce the profit you earn from the sale.

Price Control and Flexibility

After saving some money by ditching the agents, you will be more flexible in determining the market price of your house. Since you are in full control of the sale, you enjoy the flexibility of adjusting the price according to the prevailing market conditions. You may even decide to set your price slightly below that of your competitors. A slight price reduction will help attract many potential buyers and the sale will be completed much faster while still getting a good profit.

No Middleman

In the FSBO option, you will have a direct connection with potential buyers. There will be no middle man to connect you to the buyer. Therefore, it will be easier to communicate and even plan on house viewing. If you are a prowess marketer or have outstanding communication skills, you have a higher chance of convincing a potential buyer to make the purchase.

Complete Knowledge of Your House

As the house owner, you have sufficient knowledge of your house and its surrounding as opposed to an agent who, in most cases, is often a stranger. Here, you have an emotional connection with your home and thus, you will share more details with the interested buyers. You know the inner details to share, such as your family’s experiences while living there. Such details may make buyers more interested in your house. Your ability to turn potential buyers into actual buyers by sparking their interests and attention is higher than that of an agent.

Selling Your House Without an Agent

After deciding to settle for the FSBO option, here are a few essential steps you should make:

Prepare the House for Sale

Depending on the condition of your home, you may consider doing some repairs, renovations, painting or cleaning. Ensure that the house is in good condition to attract buyers and fetch a reasonable price.

Determine the Market Price

The listing price of your house will determine how potential buyers view it. Take your time to study the existing conditions in the property market and compare the price of similar homes in the same location. To come up with an ideal value for your house, consider factors such as its location, size of the land on which it is built, age, and architectural design. Additionally, you may look into the sizes of the rooms and the value of furniture and fixtures. If you are not sure about your valuation, you may get help from reliable online platforms. One such platform that will help you sell your home without an estate agent offers a fast and easy way to make the FSBO option simple.

Prepare for Listing

After ensuring that your house is in a marketable condition and having a competitive price, the next step is listing it for sale. Currently, many sellers opt to list their homes on online platforms to widen their market base. 


Selling your house is a significant property transaction that requires your full attention. If you decide to sell without an agent, be ready to commit your time and skills to attract potential buyers. The reasons above plus the selling steps will smoothen your FSBO process.