Writing quality content must follow the SEO strategy.  If you understand how to write a quality article, it will help you sell more, and your content gets more visitors monthly. For you to write content reader love, it is not easy. With Super Clear Contents help you to write quality content of your choice.


In this post, we provide some of the key things to look at when writing your article. It helps your site to increase traffic. Read to learn more.

1. Target Your Reader, Not Yourself
If you need your article to vigorous on Google, then write for a human being. Your content must be informal to read and reasonable. You want your reader to know what you are talking about. 

You need to understand your audience, why you are writing this article for. Is it educational, or what is the main purpose when writing? Targeting the right audience is important to write.

Do not use difficult words writing to your reader. They may not have time to check the meaning of the word. 
Write SEO content that will solve your audience's solution to find the information they were searching for.

2. Think About Search Intent and Goal
Search intent here means why someone may research a specific word. This shows why you are searching for something online.

Some intent may in away of asking a question. Those words deliberate the quality of writing. If you want Google to rank you for a certain keyword, you need to use your search intent wisely.

When you are writing a post for your website, it is important to use your content page's search intent. This is why you need to make sure you contest your goals for receiving a different reaction to your content. If you use it correctly, then expect to get results.

Your audience may have transactional intent they use to search content online. Make sure they land on your page. A reader may use a word like Product A. if your content has search intent, the chances of landing on your page are higher.  

3. Write Honesty Content
If you want your site to build a reputation, it is important to have trust. A reader visits your page because they have a problem, and they are looking for a solution to it. If your heading read like what they are looking for, then you wrote something different. The chances of search content to get a lower return are high. If Google realizes such content, you may penalize for such, and your site rank zero.

4. Plagiarism Free Content
This is one of the best on the list. If you are looking to write high-quality content, make it unique. Original content tends to rank on Google. You need to avoid copying someone else content direct to yours. But you can only use it for getting ideas. Before publishing your content, ensure it is plagiarism-free.

Final Word
I hope this post will help you write high-quality content. However, readability and the high article does not mean you will rank on Google. It may be one of them, but get the different opposite of the SEO strategy.