
Water is essential for your health, and it's recommended to drink up to about eight glasses per day. This substance makes up most of your body weight and plays crucial roles many people are not exactly aware of. 

You can acquire water from drinking liquids and eating foods that somehow contain the hydrating factor of water in them. Some of the most critical functions of water in your body include—body temperature regulation, brain function support, and disposal of wastes.

More advantages will be discussed in this article. Read on to learn more about how water can impact your health positively:

1. Maintains Your Body Fluids

As explained, the majority of your body is composed of water which approximately falls at 60%. These bodily fluids' roles include digestion, oxygen circulation, nutrient absorption and transportation, and maintenance of body temperature. 

The neurons in your brain will notify you that you need to hydrate when your body's thirst mechanism is triggered. You need to listen to these cues and drink water to ensure that you don’t get dehydrated. Once you understand how drinking water changes your body, you'll want to stay hydrated as much as you can. 

When you're thirsty and water is unavailable for some reason, you can consume the alternatives such as juice, milk, or coffee. However, don't include alcohol as it will interfere with your brain and kidney function and lead to excessive secretion of fluids, resulting in dehydration.

2. Supports The Production Of Saliva

Your saliva depends on water as its main component. Saliva includes electrolytes, enzymes, and mucus, and these particles are responsible for the breakdown of the solid food you consume. It is likewise necessary to keep your mouth healthy.

With regular fluid intake, your body will automatically generate enough saliva. But saliva production might be hindered by aging or certain medications. So, when this happens, try to increase your water intake. If your mouth still gets dry despite drinking enough water, you can consult your doctor for other treatments and remedies.

3. Prevents Hangover

Because of alcohol’s diuretic nature, it will most likely expose your body to dehydration. Hence, drink a glass of water in between drinking alcohol. Or you may also drink at least a glass of water before going to bed, right after you’re done with your alcohol drinking session.

4. Helps Regulate Calorie Intake

Substituting your high-calorie beverages with water seems to be a helpful weight loss strategy. Since it contains no calories, it can fill your stomach quickly and give you a full feeling, which prevents you from eating or drinking more. You can try some excellent breakfast tips and increase your water intake—and you'll surely finish strong in your weight loss journey.

You should also try eating food with high water content as they effectively support weight loss. There are variations of food that will make you feel full more quickly than other kinds, and these are water-rich foods. These foods such as fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, and broth-based soups are indeed suitable for your weight-loss diet.

5. Normalizes Bowel Function

Drinking enough water will prevent constipation and will activate your bowel movement. Your gastrointestinal tract will function well while being adequately hydrated. Conversely, if you don't drink enough fluids, your colon pulls water from stools, leading to constipation.

The best way to avoid this is to combine fiber and fluid in your diet. The liquid will pump up fibers and function like a broom to ensure the proper movement of your bowels.

6. Helps Treats Kidney Stones

Some people experience having kidney stones, which are painful clumps of mineral crystals found in the urinary system. Although there are lacking studies and research to prove that drinking water will prevent the recurrence of kidney stones, higher fluid intake helps increase the volume of urine passed through the kidneys. This may dilute the concentration of minerals, leading to the prevention of mineralized crystals or clump formation.



Water is a vital substance for every part of the body. Being able to drink water sufficiently every day will help you maintain your health condition at its optimum and improve your overall well-being. Consider the different health benefits provided and try to increase your water intake. While this may sound easy to follow, some people find increasing their water intake challenging and almost impossible to do.  

If you want to ensure that you’re drinking enough water, try to carry a water bottle everywhere you go, use an app to track down your daily intake, and remind yourself to drink water based on your daily activities and schedules.