
Gift-giving can be challenging enough to plan without having the added hassle of thinking of what to gift to someone who has everything. We all have that one friend who makes it notoriously challenging to decide on a gift simply because they may already have everything! 

So, whether it’s their birthday or any other special occasion, you might start to feel the heat. If you’re fretting about what to get for that friend who may already have everything, we might be able to help you out. Even someone who seemingly has everything needs something a little surprising every once in a while. These gifts can urge them to step outside their comfort zone and delve into something they wouldn’t have tried out alone. So, for further assistance, keep reading below to find the perfect gift for that one perfectionist friend. This list has something for everyone, so you might end up finding something for the rest of the gang too! 

Dainty jewelry 

If you’re looking for a gift for your favorite girlfriend, jewelry can be the perfect pick. It’s a timeless, elegant option that no one can ever get enough of. Each piece has its charm, and your friend can incorporate it into a variety of outfits. Furthermore, jewelry is also a refined option and is easily the classiest gift you can give. 

When it comes to jewelry, there is a range of options to choose from. Whether you pick rings, bracelets, or earrings, each piece is incredibly meaningful and beautiful. Jewelry is a classic gift that can make your best friend feel appreciated. Every time she slips on the pendant or puts on the earrings, she can be reminded of your bond. While you check out the latest collection for unique bracelets, rings, or best friend jewelry at Bryan Anthonys, you can be sure you’re investing in a timeless, high-quality piece that is sure to stand out. It doesn’t matter whether your friend already owns a ton of jewelry – these unique pieces will make their mark for sure. 

Touch bracelet

It often seems as if we have greater distances between us than ever before. The friends you grew up with may now have shifted hundreds or thousands of miles away, making it hard to stay connected. However, if you’re looking for a way to restore your connection, you can’t get better than a touch bracelet. Touch bracelets are incredibly fun, unique gifts that can help you stay connected with your loved ones, no matter how far they may be. 

Touch bracelets make reaching out much more personalized than sending a text. Whenever you touch your bracelets, your friends will start to glow and vibrate too. It is an incredibly fun, thoughtful way of letting your besties know whenever you’re thinking of them. Plus, you’ll be surprised at how important touch can be for your mental health. Touch starvation is a genuine thing, and while you might not be able to connect with your friend physically, this is easily the next best thing. The cherry on top is that this is genuinely a novel gift, and even your friend who has everything will probably love this. 

Coffee subscription 

Nowadays, most of us can’t go without our daily cup of joe. Without coffee, the day can seem dull and drear, and you might feel snappy all day. If you have a friend who can’t function without their coffee fix, getting them a coffee subscription can be the perfect gift. Rather than having to spend hundreds on coffee each month, this coffee subscription will allow your friends to make their brews. 

Perfect for the coffee connoisseur, a coffee subscription will allow your friend to try different roasts and regions each month. This subscription is the ideal way for them to experiment and try rich new tastes each month. Furthermore, a coffee subscription is entirely customizable. You can ask your friend to take a quiz to determine what they prefer. Additionally, you can also pick how frequently you want to order, the intensity of the coffee, grind setting, and even whether you want roasted beans or coffee bags. A coffee subscription is the best way to make your friend think of you every morning as they get their coffee fix. 

Skincare set 

Just like jewelry or clothes, you can never have enough skincare. With the environment becoming increasingly polluted, your skin needs to bear an increasing amount of free radicals. These can cause premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and other issues. A skincare set is a perfect gift to give your friend juicy, dewy, glowing skin. Skincare sets cater to a range of skin types and issues, and with a bit of research, you can find one that’ll suit your friend best. Furthermore, drugstore skincare brands offer fantastic results, too, so you don’t necessarily need to splurge. 

Plus, gone are the days when skincare used to be just a gift for the girls. Men are increasingly opening up to self-care as they realize the importance of looking good and taking care of themselves. A skincare set can be the perfect way for your guy friends to pamper themselves and give their skin some extra attention. Shaving, having a naturally thicker skin, and being late to the skincare game can mean that men’s skin might even need more attention than female skin. So, help your friends get started by gifting them a set. 

Virtual gym membership 

With gyms globally shutting down due to the pandemic, your fitness-obsessed friends are indeed feeling like they’re missing out on the best part of their lives. Luckily, you can help them get back on track with their fitness and wellness goals with a virtual gym membership. Whether your friend is an expert or just a newbie, a virtual gym membership can make working out easier than ever. 

Premium gym memberships can allow your friend to track their diet, get advice from certified trainers and nutritionists, and watch premium videos. All of these factors combined can help your friend get the results they need fast. Additionally, online workouts make it much easier to stick to a schedule. With online classes, your friends can work out, whenever, wherever, instead of having to head to the gym. 


With these few gifts, you can easily find the perfect fit even for friends that are impossible to shop for. Gift-giving can make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, and it’s the best way of showing your friends how much they mean to you. So, if you’re looking to strengthen your bond, pick something from this list this holiday season, and watch all the effort pay off.