
Every parent wants their kids to succeed in school. Whether they’re learning 2nd grade math or pursuing a college degree, it’s normal to hope for success. But what happens if it seems like your child isn’t bringing their A-game? How do you tackle this situation?

Contrary to popular opinion, academic success isn’t solely hinged on joint efforts from teachers and students. As a parent, you’ll need to pitch in your support if you want to improve your child’s performance.

So, if you’re ready to go down this path, we’ve collated a few winning strategies to help improve your child’s academic performance. Let’s get down to brass tacks, shall we?

How to Improve Your Child’s Academic Performance

Improvement of your child’s performance at school is a multi-pronged process that requires you to pitch in a lot of time and effort. For starters, you’d need to demystify and possibly unlearn your perception of academic success.

What does academic success mean to you? Good grades? Straight As? While academic success is mostly subjective, it’s more than just good grades. Academic success could mean your child is suddenly improving in math or taking more interest in a subject they previously hated.

With that out of the way, let’s take a closer look at the best ways to improve your child’s performance:

Take a particular interest in their academic experiences

Have you ever tried to mow a lawn from two blocks away? Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? Well, it’s the same with your child’s academic performance. It’s impossible or extremely difficult to improve your child’s academic performance when you’re detached from it. 

If you want better results, get closer to the “lawn” (in this case, your child’s academic performance). Take a closer look at their assignment books and ask them what they’ve been studying at school. If possible, flip through their textbooks and quickly skim through their curriculum. This way, you’ll truly understand their reality and be able to offer sufficient support.

Focus on the process rather than grades

As we mentioned earlier, academic success transcends grades and straight As. Many students are under immense academic pressure because their parents only want good grades. While straight As are phenomenal, they shouldn’t be the only yardstick upon which you base your child’s academic performance. In fact, by focusing overtly on grades, you could diminish your child’s interest and motivation to learn.

Instead, teach your child that the only thing that matters is the effort they put into learning and what they’ve learned. Similarly, teach them to set short-term achievable goals for themselves. For instance, instead of setting goals like “I want to get all As by the end of the semester,” they should set more short-term goals like “I want to study math three times a week.”

Setting short-term and realistic goals will undoubtedly boost their academic performance beyond measure.

Consider an online learning platform.

Have you ever heard of Brighterly? is an online learning platform that helps children learn math up to the 2nd grade. Thanks to the advent and progress of edtech, many more educational platforms like this one have sprung up. So, what makes these modern platforms different from traditional classrooms or private tutors?

Well, it’s simple. Most of these platforms have shown that there’s more to learning than the conventional way we’re used to. Consequently, they tend to utilize game-based learning and an adaptive curriculum to boost assimilation and retention. 

Thus, these modern online learning platforms are worth a shot if you’re looking to boost your child’s academic performance.

Create a study routine/ schedule

We get it; routines can be tedious. Doing the same thing repeatedly is a tiresome cycle that no one wants to be caught in. But did you know that routines are one of the fastest ways to achieve success? If you’re looking to improve your child’s academic performance, you’d need to bring in the big guns: a regular study routine.

Help kids create a study schedule that they can stick to. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or ambitious. For instance, you could create a schedule requiring them to study for 30 minutes before bedtime or lunchtime. Try to switch up the subjects so it doesn’t get monotonous or dull over time.

Offer emotional support

Remember that your child needs emotional support from parents, especially in academics. Although it’s often hard to admit, school can get overwhelming even for the most ambitious student. Thus, it’s essential to let a child know that you’re always there for them. Hug them every day. Fix them a cold glass of lemonade when they’re feeling overwhelmed by homework and academic projects.

You’d find tremendous results in their performance simply by showing up for them everyday.

Speak to the teachers

If you’re unsure how to improve your child’s performance at school, talking to their teachers is a great way to get insight. The teachers understand their students’ academic struggles and strengths and would be in a better position to tell you what your child needs. Maintain regular contact with your child’s teachers, and when in doubt, always ask them for recommendations.

Offer constant praise and encouragement.

For any parent, it’s essential to be their children’s biggest cheerleaders. You should always be at the sidelines, cheering your child on towards success. So, how can you do this when it comes down to their academic performance?

It’s simple. Offer your kid praise and encouragement. Praise your child when they learn a new concept or study for longer than they usually would. Positive reinforcement will certainly boost their morale and motivate them to do better. They’d feel less inclined to try or do the work if you hardly acknowledge their efforts or results.

Final Thoughts

Every parent wants their child to do better in school; you’re no different. These tips will set you on the right path if you’re trying to improve your child’s academic performance without placing undue pressure on them.

Remember: always focus on the process rather than the output.

Good luck!