
Hobby is a matter of love. We have already answered the question of whether it is worth making a choice in the direction of a creative profession and turning your favorite hobby into a lifelong business, we have already answered in this article, and today we will introduce you to the current creative trends of the current year.


In the first place among the popular hobbies, especially in the summer season, is stand-up surfing. In another way, it is also called Sapboarding. Sup is an enlarged board made of a special material that resembles a surfboard. Only it is larger and the material when it is made is different. In order to move on it, a special paddle is used. Today, SUP has spread all over the world, although initially the creators did not even imagine that this hobby could become so popular.

House plants

Growing indoor plants is the most popular hobby that remains relevant at all times. Some grow microgreens for sale, some collect succulents, and others simply collect the flowers they like the most. Such a creative activity will not require a lot of space. It is enough to empty the balcony or organize a small magazine about life, cheese and intermediate states - a vegetable corner in a free place - and voila, you can start! If you approach the matter with all seriousness, you may well be fascinated by the search for new rare items for your personal collection, as well as communication with like-minded people on forums or thematic meetings. And, perhaps, even this business will develop into professional plant breeding for subsequent sale.

Digital Goods

In 2023, among the creative trends, we have to say about… the professional production of digital goods. This area is moving forward by leaps and bounds. If you are an expert in some field, then it is quite possible that you are already eager to share your accumulated knowledge. Teaching people who want to learn a new business has become easier - you can record a video course that will help beginners come to their first successes. It doesn’t matter if you sew things to order, do scrapbooking, knit or draw - all your experience right now is needed by someone who is taking the first steps in this business. Master classes and various applied information products are the most popular today. If you have something to share, perhaps this kind of digital hobby is for you.

Household products

Without a doubt, the manufacture of carpets, various wooden furniture - tables and chairs, plant stands, etc. is especially popular today. This hobby is more relevant for those who have the opportunity to place a workshop in a separate room. Undoubtedly Journal of Life, Cheese and In-between states this is important, because such a business will require not only a fairly large number of tools, but also the presence of space to work. The working area should be, first of all, comfortable for you, otherwise a new hobby is unlikely to bring much pleasure.

Needlework kits

Over the past year, the popularity of ready-made kits for creativity and needlework has grown. For example, kits for making candles to order, soap making, beadwork, embroidery, epoxy resin products, etc. are in demand. Moreover, such ready-made kits are popular not in many countries. Starting a new hobby is nice to get a ready-made starter kit and not bother with where you can find each individual tool. Again, if you are already an expert in a certain creative niche, you can share your knowledge and start a similar unusual hobby. It, moreover, can bring you a good financial return over time.

Board games

In 2023, interest in board games has grown. Moreover, not only the games themselves are popular, but also watching programs where famous people meet and play interactive board games together. One such popular show in Russia this year was the Chicken Curry Dungeons YouTube show. It is very reminiscent of Life, Cheese and In-between Magazine - is the format of the HarmonQuest show, created by Dan Harmon - the creator of the Rick and Morty animated series. In general, board games rule, so you might as well start developing a new board game. Why not a new hobby? Of course, this is an activity for very creative people who are interested in such a niche. By the way, if we talk about games, then online pokies for real money are still no less popular.


Jewelry making remains one of the hottest niches in 2023. It can be wooden items or items made of glass, beads and seed beads - the imagination is not limited. Monochromatic neat work, soft round and oval shapes are in fashion. Also popular are rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces made of epoxy resin with dried flowers.


Pottery is quite expensive in terms of firing. However, if you have a pottery studio with a special oven near your home, you can try your hand at a new business. Handmade products, such as plates, planters, mugs, Journal of Life, Cheese and Intermediate States - Salad bowls and other household appliances made in the author's style are highly valued today. In addition, pottery will help you relieve stress. However, like any other calm hobby that requires perseverance and attention that arouses your interest.


In 2023, such a hobby as writing is especially popular. Moreover, it can be absolutely any format, it is not necessary to sit down to write a serious abstruse book on a complex topic. For example, it can be fairy tales, stories and novels. In fact, it can even be a personal blog on topics close to you. Virtual space brings us all closer, so such projects become especially interesting. B Magazine about life, cheese and intermediate conditions -, of course, they are in rather high demand. Don't force yourself to start something like this - make sure you have enough interest and free time to do something like this. Due to the high level of competition, it will be quite difficult to monetize such a business, but if you have enough perseverance and desire, then everything will work out. The first thing to do is to decide on the format.